Thursday, January 9, 2014

Passionate Empathy


"Oh but I am passionate. I send my money to those programs about the starving children!" And people will get angry if you confront them about this, "Oh well why aren't you doing anything about it!?" I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! But we can't do this alone. There can't be a lone wolf. There can't be a hero. There can't be a leader. Because when you have a leader you let that responsibility go. You let the responsibility go to that one person and you put yourself under a spell. "It will take care of itself. Just give it time. The next person we vote in will fix everything!" But of course he/she doesn't, and then you get older and you forget and you become stubborn no matter what walk of life you come from. "Didn't this happen before? Didn't that man I voted in, didn't he say he would do this that and the other thing that would help make my life better? Make the world better?" That's why you would vote somebody into leadership wouldn't you? But people don't even ask that anymore. They just ask, "Is he Republican? Is he Democrat? Is he this party? Is he that party?" Never really investigating what the other person running for office is saying and never believing anything negative about your leader even if your leader is delivering insults to you. When you do you really find it's quite similar like when Bush ran against Gore in 2004... They actually gave the same speeches verbatim. That doesn't creep you out? That doesn't make you think a little? "Maybe these people are just saying what I want to hear? COULD IT BE POSSIBLE!?" ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY MY FRIEND!



This kid is so brave. I wish when I was his age I could have come forward with what I was confronted with. When you're bullied you kind of accept it as being normal. And people don't understand this has serious psychological impact. All the way into Senior year I was bullied. Most people just brush it off like, "Oh yeah, that's normal. There is always that kid or kids in that situation of developing. That's just normal. Everyone faces their own demons." Yeah well not very many like that. Apparently not something you would understand unless you were there. That is called not having any empathy. A very important part of human nature of what being human is. And if you notice in the world there is not a lot of HUMAN EMPATHY because as you can see to what we are doing to the planet and NO ONE GIVES A FUCK! I ask them why they feel this way? Does everything just take care of itself? Like a robot? Humanity is losing it's empathy and continued to being couched to losing it's empathy. That's why no one really cares why we go to war! Oh you care. You care right? When you look at the news and say, "OH HOW TERRIBLE! How could they do such a thing?" Without taking any action. Without even trying to change any part of your life except for what the television tells you. You continue to buy from sweatshops, buy from endangered environments, buy from slavery, buy from death! AND YOU EVEN KNOW THIS!!! And yet you continue to do it anyway.

Such a curse to lose one's empathy.