You are being denied the roll of divine warrior. Embodiment of, but not limited to, virtue, justice, integrity, and compassion to expel those of a weak moral compass who seek endangering, weakening, or taking advantage of a humanity and the nature for which they dwell upon without fear of unjust retribution or to meet that retribution with a clear conscious.
You have been denied and your ability to react in a just violent manner is continually being robbed from you; so much so that, most a righteous action could cause incarceration, lead to labeling and defamation as an enemy of the people via propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation, or even termination through violence held only in the hands of those who have taken power over you!

Thou who is without desire for sword and strength of knowledge that within oneself is the power to defend oneself and humanity is as much a victim as they are a servant to those who seek to do harm.
How can we stand idle to elitist agendas to have millions die or sack economies or rob planetary resources and even place our very species at risk and yet be offended by the idea of eliminating these very elitists. How in your face does an agenda of evil have to be? They tell you to your face what they're doing, over and over again, boldly! We've been warned, time and time again by those who had a sense of morality, a sense of humanity and I'm mostly just drawing this from figures in U.S. history but I've encountered plenty around the globe.
Why do people think the all the events surrounding the Kennedys was just coincidence? Just an example, John F. Kennedy warned of secret societies and secret oaths. He wasn't talking about Freemasons or the like he was talking about the families and subordinates under them. But people just shrug off the death of the Kennedys and those around them. "He was hated by a lot of powerful groups." Some say, and yes you're right but, it wasn't the mafia, or Cuba, or a guy with magic bullets (who was killed before he could testify) and even if it was, you just brush it off! And I'm not saying the Kennedys were saints either and I'm not going to get into that. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT are groups such as Builderberg, the CFR, AIPAC, and the like and who started them and why. Many of these are the secret societies with secret oaths who hold secret meetings and make decisions about the future of entire nations without you being allowed to know!
"Give me liberty or give me death!" Was the cry of brave men. If one is not prepared to accept death when one is mortal than one is hardly deserving of life for one can't possibly stand in the way of evil. See your reflection in the teeth of the dragon and smile! You are the greater foe! No matter their size!
Socrates is by far one of the best examples of martyrdom. "So, when his trial came, Socrates chose to argue without validity or reasoned thought. He instead opted to utilize irony and inconsistency to sentence himself to his intended fate, the fate of a martyr. With the hope that the people of Athens would see the error of their systems and the faults of their belief sets, Socrates went to his end." This instead of giving into a corrupt system, which he so could easily could have and lived out the rest of his life but in betrayal of a greater ideal and lesson.
At any time we can throw off the chains of this system. The world as they know it is a "stage" or "game", that's what they've made it into, that's how they control the board, that's how they always win, that's how they can change the rules because, it's their game. The only way to beat the game, to beat the system is to make your own, but it's a popular game they've created. The whole world is playing. You can't just create your own game, you have to destroy the old one. It's hard to do so because many like the game, many enjoy playing
It only takes 20 to 25 years to condition a human to accept a new program to accept new rules to accept the changes made in the world to some level of tolerance. With new media and the Gregorian calender, these new rules or programs can be accepted in a decade. This is how you get periods identifiable as the 90s 80s etcetera. This is even further accelerated by planned obsolescence. People are more easily manipulated by global and political changes that take place overnight because technology and their world changes overnight and thus one becomes distracted with the illusions of the material world and unable to focus on the tightening noose or malevolent deeds of the elitists.However, like I said, one only has to throw off the old system, "make their own game"! Anyone who is aware of the manipulation, of the programming, of the conditioning has already quit the game but, they're still subject to the consequences of the game UNTIL THE GAME IS DESTROYED! So make you're own game and recruit new players but, unless your goal is to end the old game, then you're still playing.
BE BOLD. Be bold. Accept nothing that isn't by virtue! You must hold a high moral standard for humanity or humanity will just continue as it is.