Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Respect Ends Racism, Can You Think Critically?

There cannot be a double-standard.

Whites don't experience racism? Have a case of "white privilege" hysteria? Have you ever been a Russian living in Estonia? Have you ever been Polish living in Lithuania? Have you ever been English living in Wales? Scottish in England? American anywhere on the planet? If you're American, it doesn't matter what color you are; every landmass reacts differently to you. For example, in much of Western Europe, you could be looked down upon as a fool for no other reason.

Western European races and cultures face extinction and replacement in the next 100 years and mother fuckers are cheering all the way, but I'm just overreacting or being confused for being a racist or supremacist.


If you want racism injustice to stop on your end you need to stop racism on the opposite end and encourage your brothers and sisters to follow the same path. To listen to what others have to say, even if they be a Neo-Nazi, La Raza, KKK, Black Panther, etc., etc., etc. You have to listen without prejudice!

You have to acknowledge an idea bigger than just the thought that someone or a group of people hate you. You have to critically think on, "why"! What is the anthropological reasoning, the social reasoning, the philosophical meaning behind that hate? What is it they think "I've" done?

Have I assumed positions of their former employment? Have I inherited the lands for which their lineage inherited long before my presence? Am I taking more than I am giving? Do they smile at me and I not smile back? Is it that simple? Am I acknowledging the positive facts of these people? Do I want to be treated the way I've been treated or by the way I have treated others? How do I treat a family member that wants space? How do I treat a family member who is in pain?

We're all members of the same "family". Why not behave like a family? Unconditional love and MUTUAL RESPECT!

That respect is not forcing your way of being upon others. You may argue and debate and talk philosophy and criticize for the purposes of bettering one another but not for bringing each other down.

The point of showing someone the truth isn't so you can show someone that you're right and they're wrong, it's to show someone the truth. The light of their truth may be brighter than yours but yours can become just as bright and brighter and it is more important that you pursue this light than it is to show off its brightness. It is your own light! Your divine expression in the world is your spiritual science. Science that does not change and improve is religion and dogma.

The world continues to move and we continue to change. If we are to evolve then our understandings must evolve. If we are to devolve then we should simply continue doing the same thing we have always been doing and making the same mistakes; repeating history. In a few words, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 

War Ends With Respect. 

A Collection of Tangent Rants on Feminism

Run of the mill feminist.
The most outspoken feminist extremists are white, the most outspoken for immigration and multiculturalism are white, the most outspoken for transgenderism and transhumanism are white... Wow, there really is a problem with white people!

There are several conflicting messages of sub-text in most films from Hollywood recently for women. These are a few:
1. Take care of yourself and trust no one else, especially men.
2. Let the pussy man/strong idiot save you. Strong and intelligent men are evil. (This is best exemplified in the Twilight series [and others like the Hunger Games]. Weak pussy little brat boy who hangs out in high school to pick up the most dimwitted mate for life. Box office smashes. 3. Be easy or be hateful/spiteful.
4. Men's lives are worthless (objectification).

Wow, there is a term now that white women use to describe babies as, "crotchfruit". No wonder Western Europeans are going extinct with this. Extreme feminism values the opposite of what makes women so beautiful! The ability to give birth is so beautiful! The toughest men on the planet bow at the sight as something to behold with awe! Their beautiful hair, nourished, healthy, and long, is a sign of vitality and a symbol of beauty! Not meant to be abused or cut short like that of a psychotic man! Their body so curved, so toned and admired like the goddesses carved in stone for the ages! Not giving into weakness, having pride in physique over sickness caused by laziness or poor diet. Pride! Not just for their beauty and attraction but for themselves! For their proven effort! To look themselves in the mirror and hear in their minds that, "I am a living piece of art! Admiration for the goddess taught me that! I am strong, intelligent, and beautiful. I am not a garbage meat bag of filth, gossip, contention, or desires of unnecessary drama!" They love their men for a complimentary enjoyment of each others company! Men want to fill the roll of a savior because what has he been through history?! Protector, survivalist, provider! I will make the claim that life was not as we see it, on television and films, or even notions formulated over archaeology. Men had more respect for women, especially in Northern Europe where the Germanic tribes experienced short summers and long winters.
No man would raise a hand to a woman who managed to keep his family alive when he was away. And what a great shame if he too should fail to keep his family alive because he failed to perform his duties or the winter was simply too harsh. No man would beat his wife, but the man would accept attacks from his wife because he loved her and he would kill because he loved her. If it was ever heard that a man raped another woman or beat another woman, then that mans duty was to kill that other man if he ever so had this knowledge. Spare the good man for making a mistake, but NEVER spare the weak who give into rape and abuse of another human being. A man who loves his wife loves every woman because every woman reminds a man of the woman/women he fell in love with and jealous or deeply in love is he. For, his protection against wrong doing is instinctual; it is his duty. This is why bare-breasted Lady Justice IS bare-breasted Lady Justice! That's why she was hidden during the Bush administration, but I digress! Shame, true shame the ugliness that has been promoted to divide European men and women. African women love their children and love their neighbors children! As do the Central and Southern Americans! As do the Eastern Europeans. Too few are the women that love all. Too few are those that embrace compassion and nurturing! Then there you have birthed a generation of the scarred and traumas to be past down. No wonder media shows of sickening human behavior is so popular and emulated. Extreme feminism wants to indoctrinate one into a material culture where your ideas are manufactured. It's this exact reason there are television shows specifically for men and women, and all these newly prevalent mutations, are created. To command the audience how to think.