It is of my opinion that Jesus Christ is the convert archetype of Odin. Meaning, Jesus or many aspects of Jesus were developed in order to appeal to the Pagan masses in an effort to convert them. It can also be said that Odin is not the only god that this convert archetype borrows from, Baldur for instance, but for the sake of simplicity this will focus only on Odin.

First let's examine Jesus Christ on the cross as Odin hanging from Yggdrasil. Jesus/Odin was stabbed by Gungnir/Spear of destiny on the cross by the jews. Why would the jews kill claim Jesus is there own yet express a great hatred for him long after his "crucifixion"? It could be summed up that, jews wanted to take credit for killing our greatest god Odin, but as the idol Jesus to claim that it was only a jew that could arise to such a power and closeness with the divine. Odin/Jesus let this happen to themselves intentionally, sacrificing himself to himself to attain greater knowldge. Jesus/Odin rises again for our gods cannot be killed as they are reborn in every son and daughter of Europa. Odin is our eternal soul, he is our eternal presence and this is why the jews hate Christ and Christianity so much, it is our bloodline that continues which they wish to destroy.

"I'm hope the jews did kill Christ, and I would do it again..." Said Sarah Silverman during one of her stand-up performances, in all seriousness and literalness.
To reiterate, the jew wants to take credit for being the greatest hero of mankind and that is why they claim Christ to be jewish and, because Christ is Odin they also want that prestige of having killed our most powerful god.
It is my opinion the convert archetype makes it so hard for our brothers and sisters return to their ancestral roots. It is our god Odin, known by many names, they feel in Christ. This is why there are all the ancient parallels and how it is, in the end, our fore-fathers mostly just pretended to convert to judaism by, more or less, creating a Pagan Christianity. I'm not saying Christianity is pagan, what I am saying however, is that much of Christianity is bastardized Paganism, and this is exemplified in many ways, borrowing from various ancient Pagan beliefs from various cultures.
I want to note in writing this, that these thoughts were that of mine in 2018 and do not necessarily reflect what I currently believe. Yes however, I am a Pagan.