I am so tired of hearing about "white privilege". "White privilege" is RACIST. It's become so trendy to hate white people that even white people hate their own demographic. I actually don't want to make this too long because this topic just opens up such a can of worms. I mean what is "white privilege"!? I'm really asking because, from what I understand if you believe in "white privilege" you're mostly just a fucking racist. There is this total double standard on what defines a "hate crime". It is totally acceptable to talk speak opening on the media about killing white people. It is totally acceptable in the media to use racist terms against white people. There is no anti-defamation league for "whites" and if you have "white pride" you are deemed a racist. If you live in a white country or city you are expected to "culturally diversify" or else you are racist! ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES ARE PRESSURED TO CULTURALLY DIVERSIFY! Unless you want to include Malaysia as an exception for their rigorous support of religious diversity (kudos to them).
"Too White" Example 1
I hold NO JUDGEMENT on any individual based on the color of their skin but because I support the principle of white cultural preservation through limiting immigration I WOULD BE CALLED A RACIST and if not a racist, a WHITE SUPREMACIST! JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO PRESERVE MY OWN FUCKING CULTURE!? And white people will ask me, "Uhhh but Aspir, what is white culture?" And I am heartbroken!!!! You don't know your culture your heritage because you have been conditioned! White people are victims of aggressive CORPORATE MANUFACTURED CONSUMER CULTURE! I mean I remember kids in school would even be made fun of if they took any sort of interest in their own heritage! I mean we laugh today we make so much fun of our own -all but forgotten- cultural heritage! And it's not just European cultural heritage! We as Americans have suffered the forgetting of our own cultural heritage here!
And what do you call it when having too many white people is "evil", and that there should be "less white people"? We're already the planetary minority, but for some reason there needs to be less of us and any high concentration of white people is "evil". We're currently engaging in depopulating the world of white people... hmm what do you call that. La Raza even brags about the decline of whites. Fascinating, and here we have the news media whipping up race wars and race tension at any opportune moment!
"Too White" Example 2
Genocide? Or just coincidence? Hmm I can't seem to do any critical thinking about who is behind the movements for "Cultural Diversity" hmmm... hmm... who are the people pushing for this? Why are they doing this? Hmm hmm... (sarcasm).
White Extinction
Whites are already the minority in the US. And a lot of minority complaints that I've heard from Portland go something like this, "I went to China yesterday, oh man I felt so uncomfortable. There are just so many Chinese people there! There needs to be more diversity, particularly more of my race." Tell me why we need cultural diversity? Why and why only white countries? Why is it ok that Zionist Jews are heading up "multiculturalism" in Europe?
"And Jews will be resented because of our leading role."
The next time you hear the words "white privilege" from a white idiot's mouth, why don't you ask them, "Hey, why don't you tell me what black/brown/yellow neighborhoods you feel safe walking in after midnight?" And if that person is black, brown, or yellow, ask them, "Hey why don't you tell me what white neighborhoods you feel safe walking in after midnight?" Because, unless maybe they live in the "South" (if you're from the USA), I'm sure a black/brown/yellow person will tell you a lot more neighborhoods!!!
Let me add just one more thing though... one thing that "white privilege" has right are the vast majority of ignorant ignorant people, even willfully ignorant, of the conditions in which people of third world countries must suffer in order for many to have and take for granted the merchandise we have today! And I was going to say "cheap merchandise" and honestly it's all made cheap as possible and then inflated for your purchase. Just look into what it costs to produce an iphone and what you end up paying and then just look at the conditions in which such people have to live so you can have your ridiculous consumer item.
I'm going to put it together like this though. We, as different races, sexes, and religions, are being pitted against each other, not by our own wills but by the wills of those who are enemies of humanity, and they rely on our confusion fed to us through disinformation and misinformation to manufacture and further our own destruction.
Regardless of the loss and further losses it may incur. I think the Americas (with some exceptions) should continue to be the "cultural diverse" experiment that it is, however, not without a new consciousness and governing body. Instead, the Americas should be ran by a council always consisting of members of each "defined race" (race is not a social construct, your race can be identified by your genes as well as skeletal structure and has been for decades). This council should also consist of a an equal male to female ratio at all times. If it is argued that the races of members of the council do not suffice for the diversity of ethnic backgrounds, then additional members should be elected and the council not limited to such an expansion until there is no further need for a nation governing council and the people are of greater consciousness to govern themselves. This decision as to whether the people are capable of governing themselves should, of course, be left to the decision of the people and not to the governing council.
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