Monday, November 7, 2016

Why the European races are finished if the media and third wave feminism are not shut down and utterly crushed.

The ideology of 3rd Wave Feminism, the subliminal, subversive, and even overt messages of the media are hardly limited to the confines of America and Hollywood.

Whether you think Third Wave Feminists to be radical and extreme or not this position is permeating through our current culture and is largely gaining ground. Women are having messages such as, "Straight white men are opressors, rapists, and the root cause of suffering in the world." shoved down their throat and that the solution to "The Straight White Male Question" is the elimination of straight white males and eventually the white races entirely:

Over and over Europeans have been told that overpopulation is a serious issue and that life is better with no children. Both men and women have been targeted (usually in Hollywood comedies) to give into a hedonistic life experience of wild sex and parties that would be impossible when you marry. Hollywood also portrays children as to something like a prison sentence or utter torture as to something like living with little gremlins who will keep you from having a social life or even, sanity. 
Riding on the heels and sometimes taking the reigns in feminism is also the Trans and Queer society. This utterly minute minority has taken so much power simply by the amount of noise it has made and complete support of the media. This group is another which is in service against European races as they believe again that European Straight Males to be their oppressors. This class of freaks and mentally deranged push that gender identity is a thing of the past and that Privilaged European White Males are, again, to blame for society's lack of acceptance.
Yes, this disgusting mutant is real.

Race mixing is more and more common place but even more popular with European women, this should come as no surprise. Women are essentially inundated that marriage with a European male is outdated and would be a "life-sentence" incarceration of non-appreciation, unhappiness, beatings and sanctified rape. Not to mention that European men are being projected as the embodiement of evil. Then, you place on top of that "white guilt" and the constant image of the poor opressed outsiders and you have the perfect recipe for a sympathetic white woman who can't wait to wrap her cunt around a brown dick and showing to her friends that she stands on some sort of moral high ground for doing so.

Further placing the nail in the coffin, is the complete acceptance of cultural appropriation. Not a single advocacy group is standing up to the cultural oppropriation of Europeans. Then you have emotionally triggering films like, '12 Years A Slave' or 'The Birth of a Nation' misrepresenting history and completely disregarding or cherry picking facts to be consumed by an uniformed and ignorant audience. All with the aims of villifying the entire European races.
To answer the extremes that is current Feminism, that is Globalism, that is the Media, that is the extinction of the Europeans, the best way forward is NATIONALISM. Nationalism is not hate, it is not racism, it is not sexism, it is CULTURAL PRESERVATION, it is racial identity, it is reflecting on everything that is great that your people and nation have ever accomplished and honoring them by continuing that persuit of greatness and accomplishment. Nationalism pushes the human species forward with individual and group pride and respect for fellow human beings.
Nationalism breeds unity and unity can stand up against injustice, against bullies, nationalism is a helping hand to brothers and sisters in need! Nationalism is the embodiement of that which is to, "You are only as strong as your weakest link." and you'll be damned if you do not take effort to strengthen that link!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Amazing Supremacists: Jewish Dominance

Good place to start this rant. So no one on my facebook could point out who these kikes are, so here are some answers:

First, is Benjamin Nuttin-Yahoo who said the day of the attacks in response to US-Israel relations, "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)".
The three kikes pictured in this freeze frame from a talk show are former -presumably- Mossad agents who admitted, during this talk show, that their purpose was "to document the event". They also discuss how they were captured and held by NYC police, with two other Israeli men, after their van was reported and members were spotted watching the event of the collapsing towers in revelry. Reports on the van very but their was certainly a presence of explosives, thousands of dollars in cash, and suspicious maps of the city with various marked locations.
This kike here (Larry Silverstein):
Purchased the WTC buildings just months before the attacks and raked in billions off insurance avoiding the cost of renovating the asbestos of the buildings which would have cost more than they were worth.
Gave the order to "pull it" just before the free-fall collapse of WTC 7 which was not hit by any aircraft or suffered any integral damage from the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.


Israel currently has a nuclear option to destroy THE ENTIRE PLANET should it's "defensive needs" not be met. This option is known as The Samson Option. Google it.

"And he bent with all his might so that the house fell on the lords and all the people who were in it." -Judges 16:30

Israel has been reported of having HUNDREDS of nuclear warheads that it refuses to acknowledge publicly or allow for UN inspection and is the only country in the world to be allowed this exception! The US has also been giving Israel BILLIONS OF TAX PAYER MONEY since at least the early 1970s! EXTORTION!

The United is nothing but a satellite of Israel! The number of Israeli and Jewish special interest groups in the US and their influences are staggeringJust a partial list of Israeli special interest groups in the US.

Why Jews? Why? Well Judaism was adopted by the Khazarian Empire:

Many low level Jews have a programmed "outsider psychology" and hate Europeans despite their muddled European ancestral background. They want Europeans to disappear and have made every political move possible to accomplish this without appearing overt until late since Cultural Marxism has been so effective in its programming:

The Jewish Rothschild family may be the most powerful family in the entire world. Alongside the Rockefeller family and a couple other powerful families, redesigned the now failing American education system around the same time they were in the process of forming the Federal Reserve among many other systems of control.

Remember how your idiot gym teacher in high school would teach classes like History and Sex Ed all while not giving a single fuck? Well that's part of the plan!

Some how it's a "conspiracy" that Jews control American media in all its forms but let's take a look (take special notice of their multicultural and Social Marxist propaganda):

Also be sure to check out this piece of Jewish propaganda! Please pirate so no funds may go to support the makers of this film. Play a game of who can note the most narratives like, "being healthy or close to nature is fascist and evil!"

To wrap this rant that more than half of you won't see, FUCK SUPREMACIST KIKES! Lay Jews you're ok... sorry your own kind sacrificed/tortured some your relatives during WWII to affirm their supremacy.

“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.”

-- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online

Reported by Shimon Peres of the BBC:

Friday, July 29, 2016

Problematic Leftist Mentality

The Portland Mercury did a short article perfectly illustrating the problematic leftist mentality on a microcosmic scale when it asked it's readers to write in complaints about the bombardment of migrants into Portland. The Mercury (in a nutshell) replied to it's ailing subscribers that, because things are worse everywhere else, they should simply accept the worsening conditions here in Portland and that there is no other way to address the issue of Portland's new arrivals. This, of course, is a reflection of the macrocosm of leftist ideology in Europe (and anywhere else) and how worsening conditions are being forced on the Western nations because, "there is no other way". The fallacy of a false dilemma.

The End Game

The end game is one race, one "culture", one religion and the effectiveness of a hive. And while it may be "peace", as foreseen by the seers, it is a peace born out of servitude and slavery. The past will be all but forgotten and hazy at best. "Blacks" are next after whites and Asians will be the used as the prime force in that effort of race mixing and it's already underway.  

And all will love there masters more than they even do now until the time comes when they don't even know they exist ...obviously more so than now.

Germany's population is currently a little over 80 million (including current registered immigrants). Currently Germany is set to receive 8 MILLION immigrants! On account of the declining German number of births and average births of the incoming immigrants the native German population could be SUPPLANTED IN LESS THAN 40 YEARS! This is genocide and damn you if you aren't for the protection of my people!

If "blacks" do not stand together with "whites" against this anti-white narrative I gauran-fucking-tee you will be next. I mean you're people are already in the cross-hairs and a different clandestine narrative may be used against you to justify extinction of your culture and racial identities! I know about things like the radioactive waste buried at the ghettos on the East coast! I know about the crimes being perpetrated against your people and you too are the targets of depopulation through means that also include sterilization! Stand with us for a cultural revitalization and protection and ensure the protection of our cultures AGAINST "DIVERSITY" AND "MULTICULTURALISM" and the social-marxists and globalists and zionists perpetrating these crimes!"
Islam is not "the religion of Africa" as according to the brainwashed remarks of Muhammad Ali. Malcolm Little realized it the hard way; I don't care what Zack de la Rocha says.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Brewings of a Race War in the US

I understand the rage felt by the African-American community and the importance of justice in this crime committed in the US, however, do not get sucked into the anti-white narrative. Male "whites" are still shot by police more than any other race, however, male "blacks" are "shot" disproportionately to their population. Shockingly a quarter of police shootings were performed against the mentally ill. These numbers according to 2015 records. HOWEVER, these numbers, are less than 1,000.

We cannot afford to be distracted from the true enemy. The banks, the governments, the people orchestrating these sorts of divisions so that we may fight amongst ourselves!

Felons cannot posses firearms of any sort in the state of Minnesota and the media bias on this story speaks for itself...
Approximately 2,500 African-Americans killed by... blacks.
Approximately 200 African-Americans killed by... whites.
Approximately 500 European-Americans killed by... blacks.
Source, 2011 FBI Homicide Data
Can we stop listening to the media please!?


Globalist Patsies

THESE TWO MEN ARE/WERE PATSIES. George W. Bush is a certified idiot who was placed into power so that corporations (and other entities) could "clandestinely" exude and expand control (albeit not so behind the scenes). Donald Trump is an OUT OF TOUCH CELEBRITY; celebrity! It is so obvious how out of touch he is with society. He believes he's smart but he has no idea how much he is being played as a symbol for ignorance to be TARGETED BY IGNORANCE! The culminating hate being bred is being directed to destroy any chance of a critical thinking and properly active society to achieve true justice. Obama, on the other hand, understand the globalist agenda and is working for it willingly.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Respect Ends Racism, Can You Think Critically?

There cannot be a double-standard.

Whites don't experience racism? Have a case of "white privilege" hysteria? Have you ever been a Russian living in Estonia? Have you ever been Polish living in Lithuania? Have you ever been English living in Wales? Scottish in England? American anywhere on the planet? If you're American, it doesn't matter what color you are; every landmass reacts differently to you. For example, in much of Western Europe, you could be looked down upon as a fool for no other reason.

Western European races and cultures face extinction and replacement in the next 100 years and mother fuckers are cheering all the way, but I'm just overreacting or being confused for being a racist or supremacist.


If you want racism injustice to stop on your end you need to stop racism on the opposite end and encourage your brothers and sisters to follow the same path. To listen to what others have to say, even if they be a Neo-Nazi, La Raza, KKK, Black Panther, etc., etc., etc. You have to listen without prejudice!

You have to acknowledge an idea bigger than just the thought that someone or a group of people hate you. You have to critically think on, "why"! What is the anthropological reasoning, the social reasoning, the philosophical meaning behind that hate? What is it they think "I've" done?

Have I assumed positions of their former employment? Have I inherited the lands for which their lineage inherited long before my presence? Am I taking more than I am giving? Do they smile at me and I not smile back? Is it that simple? Am I acknowledging the positive facts of these people? Do I want to be treated the way I've been treated or by the way I have treated others? How do I treat a family member that wants space? How do I treat a family member who is in pain?

We're all members of the same "family". Why not behave like a family? Unconditional love and MUTUAL RESPECT!

That respect is not forcing your way of being upon others. You may argue and debate and talk philosophy and criticize for the purposes of bettering one another but not for bringing each other down.

The point of showing someone the truth isn't so you can show someone that you're right and they're wrong, it's to show someone the truth. The light of their truth may be brighter than yours but yours can become just as bright and brighter and it is more important that you pursue this light than it is to show off its brightness. It is your own light! Your divine expression in the world is your spiritual science. Science that does not change and improve is religion and dogma.

The world continues to move and we continue to change. If we are to evolve then our understandings must evolve. If we are to devolve then we should simply continue doing the same thing we have always been doing and making the same mistakes; repeating history. In a few words, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 

War Ends With Respect. 

A Collection of Tangent Rants on Feminism

Run of the mill feminist.
The most outspoken feminist extremists are white, the most outspoken for immigration and multiculturalism are white, the most outspoken for transgenderism and transhumanism are white... Wow, there really is a problem with white people!

There are several conflicting messages of sub-text in most films from Hollywood recently for women. These are a few:
1. Take care of yourself and trust no one else, especially men.
2. Let the pussy man/strong idiot save you. Strong and intelligent men are evil. (This is best exemplified in the Twilight series [and others like the Hunger Games]. Weak pussy little brat boy who hangs out in high school to pick up the most dimwitted mate for life. Box office smashes. 3. Be easy or be hateful/spiteful.
4. Men's lives are worthless (objectification).

Wow, there is a term now that white women use to describe babies as, "crotchfruit". No wonder Western Europeans are going extinct with this. Extreme feminism values the opposite of what makes women so beautiful! The ability to give birth is so beautiful! The toughest men on the planet bow at the sight as something to behold with awe! Their beautiful hair, nourished, healthy, and long, is a sign of vitality and a symbol of beauty! Not meant to be abused or cut short like that of a psychotic man! Their body so curved, so toned and admired like the goddesses carved in stone for the ages! Not giving into weakness, having pride in physique over sickness caused by laziness or poor diet. Pride! Not just for their beauty and attraction but for themselves! For their proven effort! To look themselves in the mirror and hear in their minds that, "I am a living piece of art! Admiration for the goddess taught me that! I am strong, intelligent, and beautiful. I am not a garbage meat bag of filth, gossip, contention, or desires of unnecessary drama!" They love their men for a complimentary enjoyment of each others company! Men want to fill the roll of a savior because what has he been through history?! Protector, survivalist, provider! I will make the claim that life was not as we see it, on television and films, or even notions formulated over archaeology. Men had more respect for women, especially in Northern Europe where the Germanic tribes experienced short summers and long winters.
No man would raise a hand to a woman who managed to keep his family alive when he was away. And what a great shame if he too should fail to keep his family alive because he failed to perform his duties or the winter was simply too harsh. No man would beat his wife, but the man would accept attacks from his wife because he loved her and he would kill because he loved her. If it was ever heard that a man raped another woman or beat another woman, then that mans duty was to kill that other man if he ever so had this knowledge. Spare the good man for making a mistake, but NEVER spare the weak who give into rape and abuse of another human being. A man who loves his wife loves every woman because every woman reminds a man of the woman/women he fell in love with and jealous or deeply in love is he. For, his protection against wrong doing is instinctual; it is his duty. This is why bare-breasted Lady Justice IS bare-breasted Lady Justice! That's why she was hidden during the Bush administration, but I digress! Shame, true shame the ugliness that has been promoted to divide European men and women. African women love their children and love their neighbors children! As do the Central and Southern Americans! As do the Eastern Europeans. Too few are the women that love all. Too few are those that embrace compassion and nurturing! Then there you have birthed a generation of the scarred and traumas to be past down. No wonder media shows of sickening human behavior is so popular and emulated. Extreme feminism wants to indoctrinate one into a material culture where your ideas are manufactured. It's this exact reason there are television shows specifically for men and women, and all these newly prevalent mutations, are created. To command the audience how to think.

Friday, April 29, 2016

My Theory on the Electoral College/Rant

What reason did the founding fathers have in their development of the constitution to prevent a popular vote election in favor of an electoral vote? Whilst our electoral college is massively corrupt it's initial purpose was intended to prevent the vary corruption and weakness we have in government today! OUR GOVERNMENT IS WEAK it is run by the weak! It has been perverted and defiled! The electoral collage was created as a safety measure to prevent tyrants from being elected!

The electoral college was not meant to be a slight against the masses. The masses at the time were largely uneducated just as we are now. The minds in our government were meant to be trained to see the manipulations of those who seek to enslave us and humanity. Our government represents and STILL REPRESENTS ELECTED TRUSTEES! These government members were entrusted not just with the power to benevolently govern our nation and foreign affairs but to PREVENT the SLIME, the SCUM, the TRAITORS of humanity from coming into our lands and taking our offices! Spells, legalese, magic papers and language meant to confuse and bind the minds of those whom they targeted!

BANKS, CORPORATIONS, POWERFUL FAMILIES, all gambled day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, CENTURY AFTER CENTURY for control of YOU! Control over the entire system which is now our prison today! MEMBERS OF GOVERNMENT HAVE BEEN LONG BOUGHT OUT! They sowed their seeds of deceit in every house of government as soon as they could. Some would be weeded out through great effort AND IT IS THESE OCCURRENCES FOR WHICH WE SHOULD FOCUS AND LEARN, FOR MANY OF THESE EFFORTS WERE CARRIED OUT BY SOME OF OUR VERY PRESIDENTS before that office was completely lost. THEY VOICED THEIR WARNINGS! THEY DID! DAMN IT! The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, the BANKS, the FAMILIES! They warned the public as well as they could for they knew not in their own cabinets who was an enemy and who was a friend! WHO WAS IN THE POCKETS OF THE SLAVE MASTERS!?

Our country is bought out! We have a national army of men and women willing to die in the name of corporate interest and gain and none that will die for truth, liberty, and justice! Well I tell you I am willing to die for truth, liberty, and justice, and just because I carry on as normal, I tell you, when the time is right, I will fight for truth, liberty, and justice! The enemies of human liberation will taste the sword of justice; in a very literal fashion, they will.

WE ARE GOVERNED BY THE WEAK. Those who only follow, follow orders, placing more value in words on paper than that of their fellow human being. TIME AND TIME AGAIN THIS IS EXEMPLIFIED! The weak of mind have come to rule over us! THEY ARE WEAK AS THEY ARE CORRUPTIBLE! FUCKING WEAK! God I am so fed up with these global governments! Nothing but tricksters and cowards! If only we could go back to a time where A KING AND HIS COURTSHIP COULD BE SLAIN ON THE BATTLEFIELD! I WOULD HAVE SO MANY HEADS!

DLB 15 A Continuation

The title of this blog entry was going to be "The Second Inception" however, the dream was not something that plunged deeper into my psyche similar to that of the film.

This dream was actually the one I had planned to follow up DLB 13 but never got around to writing even a draft, most likely due to lack of memory details or harsh self criticism when trying to flesh out the dream.

After a few years have passed it's even harder to recall much detail at all sadly but, for anyone left wanting of a possibly continuation of DLB 13, this is the best I can do.

These two dreams are possibly not related, however, it was the strongest to follow. So, without further ado here it is:

I'm viewing the beach of a craggy coast guarding a thick forest from a god's eye. The sky is gray and much of the features are covered in snow, it's winter. A figure begins to emerge out from the forest onto a rocky finger into the sea and is carefully approaching the cliffs edge as if to avoid detection from something.
Closest representation I could find.

I realize it's me, and upon realizing this, my view changes into 1st person. I'm gazing up into the sky.

The gray hazy mist of Winter is spread about the sea and land with bellowing clouds all across the horizon. I know something is coming. Something emerges from the clouds; an intergalactic fleet that appear to materialize into existence. A vast array of ships varying sizes and designs and all appearing of an apparent military. I know they're not friendly.

For whatever reason, I tasked myself with observing them and drew out a specialized spyglass. Some were flying in formation, flanking the larger ships. As I gazed through my high-tech spyglass at the mass of vessels I was gripped with a sense of urgency and anxiousness. The formations of smaller ships began to break and seemed to be preparing for engagement. Within seconds of seeing this my spyglass spotted several cloaked vessels and three had just broken off and were heading directly at me! I sprinted for the woods making quick and solid efforts to ascend massive boulders and nimbly skip across the craggy outcrops. After the first craft was less than 100 yards they erupted as flashes of cloudy purple beams impacted their hulls. Just my luck! Two were intercepted and brought down by swooping incoming craft of an opposing force and a dogfight ensued which allowed my escape.

My viewing again changed to the 3rd person to view the opposing fleet that had broken through the mists near the mountains and a serious airborne conflict was already underway. The two of crafts, including the one that was nearest upon me, had suffered small explosions after taking fire and were struggling to keep airborne. One eventually plunged into the ocean while the one that was closest, and had fired at me, impacted into the forest. The ship that managed to avoid immediate fire from the opposing vessels attempted to leave the dogfight to regroup with it's fleet drawing my apparent allies with it.
My viewpoint was re-engaged to the first-person like a cut-scene to the main protagonist. I was running through the woods, over logs and boulders. I was wearing, what appeared to be, black carbon fiber that was plated over a black leather pelted suit. Technological yet organic. As I ran my senses picked something up. I came to a halt in a small opening. I knew something would be coming for me from the craft that had impacted into the forest I just didn't know they would find me so soon.

Six figures uncloaked around me and stood with weapons ready. They were all armed with what I can only assume were rifles and were masked by their helms. Their armor was sky blue and white and the colors wrapped and coiled and oscillated with varying transparencies. I was corralled and instinctively backed up only to have my backside against the cliff of a tall outcropping of black boulders. I stood there ready to meet my end.

As I took my last step towards the rock face behind me one of the soldiers stepped forward from my right. He came up to me and removed his visor. The face of the man that appeared before me bared a resemblance to Tom Cruise but, his role was not hero. They were here to capture me but, before he could say a word we all detected the presence of another.

In a matter of seconds all took defensive postures. Tom pointed his rifle at me and at that exact moment he was forcibly spun and thrust to the ground by the impact of a single shot. I took a second to glance up to where the shot came from and there she stood boldly at the top of the cliff with steam rising from the rifle she carried.

She crouched and rolled back with an urgency to avoid gunfire. The short battle allowed for my escape and I took flight with covering fire to prevent their movement. As I ran I caught glimpse of another enemy ship de-cloaking as it swooped in to possibly recover the team of soldiers sent to capture me. I kept running.

And that, is where I lose the rest... Sorry.

Planet X? Nibiru? Isthe Ninth planet Discovery to Open Some Eyes?

Orion Nebula
I like how "planet x" a.k.a. Nibiru is totally legit now hahaha. Hey there ancient Mayan prophecy where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Native American "myths" where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Egyptian "myths" where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Greek "myths" where ya coming from? Hey all the global ancient mythos where did it come from? Imagination?
It's time the people learned about the origins of Mars and the asteroid belt formerly known as planet "Maldek". It's time to learn why this planet has a funny wobble. It's time to learn why Mars has the strange moons and features it has. It's time to learn why Uranus and its rings are as they currently are. Learn why Jupiter has a massive cyclone storm.

Mars (Ares)
It's all been recorded in the "myths". We're soon to witness a massive "galactic" event not witnessed since around 12,000 years ago, perhaps a few thousand years sooner hence, this is why we've witnessed an increase in "ET" activity. I mean, the close proximity asteroids but, also, the communications and observations of other beings. You can't be convinced that at least one person you know hasn't at least seen one UFO and that at least one of those stories were true? If it is true, how can you not believe the millions of sightings of others across the globe who report similar events, ships, and species without knowing each other, or for the purpose of material gain, and before the invention of television, mass media, and instant communication, you would mean to tell me they're simply all lies or that only a very very small percent of those are TRUE but even if that is so then WHAT IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL REVELATION TO THIS? If you haven’t had this sort of epiphany and not living in frustration why there isn’t more focus on this then what does that mean to you? Can you comprehend that we are being visited by other beings, observed by other beings, communicated with by other beings that, HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO SAY AND HAVE SAID SO CLEARLY.

Can you truly comprehend that and it’s significance and not brush it off as some sort of farce!? They have sent us maps, they have sent us diagrams of their species and solar system in which they inhabit, they have sent us diagramed images of precise mathematical communications and instructions of calculations for creating FREE ENERGY. The clear issue is that simply, most people don’t know, and because they don’t know they believe it to be “fringe”. Math is a language encoded ENCODED in our very existence and is the universal communication. If we had not tongues we could still communicate with every being in the entire galaxy. Human language is a luxury and beautiful art that is being perverted and defiled, but I digress. Clearly we are dealing with an advanced race, but that statement is wrong because, clearly we are dealing with ADVANCED SPECIES. They have rules most of us don't understand. Number one in our lack of this understanding is that they will not communicate directly to the masses. I can speculate within reason that this is because they cannot appear as saviors and they cannot appear as conquerors. To conquer another species is forbidden. To save a species from itself may also be forbidden as it is seen as another step necessary of evolution. However, just like the "myths", they can influence the course of the planet’s inhabitants. Choices are left to the masses to decide a direction, of which there is an infinite. There are those who have contact with “others” and thus their decisions have been influenced in one way or the other, perhaps they see there is no higher value than that of servant or slave and for others there is no higher value than liberation. All this is speculation as I can only offer my personal experiences and my beliefs in that which has been presented to me. However, all evidence is speculative.
Empirical evidence is limited to that of human observation and we are very limited. We have gained a very important discovery, ELECTRONS ONLY EXIST under observation, and even in observation they behave very odd. Electrons can be observed in two or MORE places at once. We have particles which we now understand exist in multiple dimensions at once! We’ve discovered things living in our atmosphere which are only observable with special equipment! I digress, electrons not only exist only observation, implications have pointed to a theory that electrons exist because of our imagination! They have to be “imagined” and sought after to come into visible existence! Here we have long been discussing the power of our imagination, we have truly unlimited power to create anything! We can create! Everything breaks down into atoms, everything is made up of atoms and then atoms break down. We’re all made up of a basic material and part of that material has to be imagined to form a measurable structure! That has to be so exciting! For in that you have the power belief, the power of belief which accomplishes anything! What can we accomplish? How many atoms are in the period in the base of this question mark? How many electrons? So, is it a long process to imagine something into existence? It can be instantaneous, what matters is the power of your belief. That’s how anything is formed! Everything is an idea! Our whole existence! We evolved from a single cell organism! We evolve in the womb from a seeded single cell organism!
Did you know that the Black Stone of Mecca is a meteorite!? Where does it come from? Did you know that Lucifer is not reference to a “devil” but is the “light bringer” and ancient descriptions characterize it as a meteorite? Could it be that Lucifer and the Black Stone of Mecca is the same meteorite that may have even brought human life to this planet?
Why do so many cultures seem to worship Orion’s belt? Well the Orion Nebula is a STAR NURSERY! Our star came from that Nursery! You know what else? Inside the Orion Nebula is a vortex BLACK HOLE! Did you know WE JUST WITNESSED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY SOMETHING COMING OUT OF A BLACK HOLE!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Be Bold

You are being denied the roll of divine warrior. Embodiment of, but not limited to, virtue, justice, integrity, and compassion to expel those of a weak moral compass who seek endangering, weakening, or taking advantage of a humanity and the nature for which they dwell upon without fear of unjust retribution or to meet that retribution with a clear conscious.

You have been denied and your ability to react in a just violent manner is continually being robbed from you; so much so that, most a righteous action could cause incarceration, lead to labeling and defamation as an enemy of the people via propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation, or even termination through violence held only in the hands of those who have taken power over you!

We do not live in a civil society without the right to violence. For example, Martin Shkreli is no different from that of a modern day Prince John in the legend of Robin Hood. This man, in a civil society, in which violence is permitted, would never have been able to accomplish such misdeeds, for he would know and be intimidated by the consequences. If he still went forward with his crimes then such a society would seek to dispatch him quickly.    In a nutshell, the only way for someone like Shkreli, living in this society, to get around those consequences would have to be for him raise an outside army to overturn such a civil society. If lawful violence were permitted after the fact that he committed these acts of thievery, he would be lying in a pool of his own blood; and so should any who so voluntarily serve such a man of poor morals for their morals must therefore be just as weak and corrupt.
Thou who is without desire for sword and strength of knowledge that within oneself is the power to defend oneself and humanity is as much a victim as they are a servant to those who seek to do harm.

How can we stand idle to elitist agendas to have millions die or sack economies or rob planetary resources and even place our very species at risk and yet be offended by the idea of eliminating these very elitists. How in your face does an agenda of evil have to be? They tell you to your face what they're doing, over and over again, boldly! We've been warned, time and time again by those who had a sense of morality, a sense of humanity and I'm mostly just drawing this from figures in U.S. history but I've encountered plenty around the globe.

Why do people think the all the events surrounding the Kennedys was just coincidence? Just an example, John F. Kennedy warned of secret societies and secret oaths. He wasn't talking about Freemasons or the like he was talking about the families and subordinates under them. But people just shrug off the death of the Kennedys and those around them. "He was hated by a lot of powerful groups." Some say, and yes you're right but, it wasn't the mafia, or Cuba, or a guy with magic bullets (who was killed before he could testify) and even if it was, you just brush it off! And I'm not saying the Kennedys were saints either and I'm not going to get into that. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT are groups such as Builderberg, the CFR, AIPAC, and the like and who started them and why. Many of these are the secret societies with secret oaths who hold secret meetings and make decisions about the future of entire nations without you being allowed to know!

And I'm glad that a show like making a murderer became so popular! This is the microcosm of a portion of a grander conspiracy of the governing system of today. You don't need a massive number of people to create and carry out a conspiracy, all you need are those, ignorant or not, willing to cooperate and if they're not willing and informed then they simply have to be coerced and forced through matter of punishment. "I was only following orders." "If I don't obey what I was told, I'll be fired." "If I disobey an order they'll imprison me." "If I blow the whistle they'll kill me." "They threatened me with financial ruin." "They threatened to kill my family." These are not all but are the forgotten words of those unwillingly involved in conspiracy. These are the words someone like JFK accepted as possible circumstance and consequence. Unless I'm mistaken, and JFK a fool, he knew the danger ahead and the potential martyrdom.   Such is an example that should be followed by those too afraid to make sacrifice for the greater good. Martyrdom is a choice of the brave and the bold, it does not necessarily even mean that one must die, only that one be willing to sacrifice it all for the sake that good prevail over evil. For the sake of humanity, for the sake of the human spirit, for the sake of the species, martyrdom is the most noble of paths to take in the face of evil.

"Give me liberty or give me death!" Was the cry of brave men. If one is not prepared to accept death when one is mortal than one is hardly deserving of life for one can't possibly stand in the way of evil. See your reflection in the teeth of the dragon and smile! You are the greater foe! No matter their size!

 Socrates is by far one of the best examples of martyrdom.  "So, when his trial came, Socrates chose to argue without validity or reasoned thought.  He instead opted to utilize irony and inconsistency to sentence himself to his intended fate, the fate of a martyr.  With the hope that the people of Athens would see the error of their systems and the faults of their belief sets, Socrates went to his end." This instead of giving into a corrupt system, which he so could easily could have and lived out the rest of his life but in betrayal of a greater ideal and lesson.  

At any time we can throw off the chains of this system. The world as they know it is a "stage" or "game", that's what they've made it into, that's how they control the board, that's how they always win, that's how they can change the rules because, it's their game. The only way to beat the game, to beat the system is to make your own, but it's a popular game they've created. The whole world is playing. You can't just create your own game, you have to destroy the old one. It's hard to do so because many like the game, many enjoy playing

It only takes 20 to 25 years to condition a human to accept a new program to accept new rules to accept the changes made in the world to some level of tolerance. With new media and the Gregorian calender, these new rules or programs can be accepted in a decade. This is how you get periods identifiable as the 90s 80s etcetera. This is even further accelerated by planned obsolescence. People are more easily manipulated by global and political changes that take place overnight because technology and their world changes overnight and thus one becomes distracted with the illusions of the material world and unable to focus on the tightening noose or malevolent deeds of the elitists.However, like I said, one only has to throw off the old system, "make their own game"! Anyone who is aware of the manipulation, of the programming, of the conditioning has already quit the game but, they're still subject to the consequences of the game UNTIL THE GAME IS DESTROYED! So make you're own game and recruit new players but,    unless your goal is to end the old game, then you're still playing.

BE BOLD. Be bold. Accept nothing that isn't by virtue! You must hold a high moral standard for humanity or humanity will just continue as it is.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rant About White Genocide

This is essentially a rant I made based on my observations and news articles I had read.

Western Europe, the United States and Canada are being invaded/colonized by Islam and unfriendly nations and you are to be silent because speaking of it sets you up to be racist.

When this is the mentality of people of your own skin color, you should know you have a problem. If you can't see the racism of this article let's replace the demographic mentioned with "black" or basically any other demographic. However, thanks to the great strides of multi-culturalism, it is perfectly acceptable to be racist against whites. Notice how the title is "In a changing world" referring to the multi-cultural precedent set forth in North America, Australia, and Western Europe. The rest of the world is not changing nor has any interest in making their country a "multi-cultural" hub (which I support) because, this means 1) less of their culture 2) less of their people.

Bill Hayden in 1984, then foreign minister, said to a Chinese audience: "Australia is changing, we're an anomaly as a European country in this part of the world. There's already a large and growing Asian population in Australia and it is inevitable in my view that Australia will become a Eurasian country over the next century or two. Australian Asians and Europeans will marry one another and a new race will emerge, I happen to think that's desirable".

Why I share this article, the majority of whites share a Christian background, many have deeply held (sometimes zealot) beliefs falling under that of the Catholic sect and therefore, what their leader says must be the path of their undertaking.

People of European decent are being set up to be replaced and it is with great interest of extremist groups and those even with a slight leaning of supremacy (typically Islamic) for this to happen. It is preached and spoken openly especially during rallies or protests.

Don't expect me to post every example of this. I don't normally post links to back up what I state because I expect you to do your own research and not take my word for it. This is NOT the video I wanted to share but, thanks to Blogger/Google/Youtube selective censorship, this is the only one I could pull up to demonstrate what is happening. As I said feel free to do your own research on these claims.

You are being replaced. This isn't something new because of the Sirian crisis. I would talk about the destabilization of the Middle-East but that's another several hours to spend that I just don't feel like doing. It's an effort to lead to the complete destabilization of Europe which as already been in the works with the several manipulated financial crisis that have taken place. Conditioning your beliefs to accept "multiculturalism" (among other beliefs) are a slow, steady, and patient expression of the Globalist agenda.

Do you have a sports team? Are you from a European country? How many ethnicities are represented by your sports team? Are there any all white national sports teams??? No. How is your country represented in the Olympics?

"Multi-culturalism" is being shoved down everyone's throat and how white multi-culturalism is becoming all but a memory. The medias across Western nations are by far the most to blame for the proliferation of "multi-culturalism" and the death of white culture. This is most evident in Hollywood and music which is being forced to be heard across the world. There's a new music genre which has appeared in the last 10 or 15 years of a sort of "club hip-hop" which literally instructs it's listeners to become "retarded", "stupid", "dumb" and basically act like whore and degenerates. It's spear headed by a multi-cultural group of artists, most famous would be Justin Beiber, Drake, Nicky Minaj, Kanye West, and many many others. The worst being an array of, what I can assume, are one hit wonders like The Hills, or any random "artist" you might here in a late night club. The majority of which aren't white or are whites imitating blacks or other ethnicities in voice and technique or style of music. Genre's like reggaeton are sweeping Europe and it's not like this is natural selection of one music genre simply proving to be more favorable than others, it's simply that competition is non-existant especially music of white ethnic origin. 

I wish I had enough steam just to sit here for as long as it would take to get all the details and align all the ducks for everyone to see but instead I have to explain it in brief and just say what I can with some train of thought to keep things coherent. I should tell you about the frequencies being used in music. I should tell you how certain music productions can impact the brain in the same way as an addictive substance.

People get what they're conditioned to believe what they need. For example, all the poor souls who were brainwashed from their early childhoods to worship someone like Miley Cyrus who now demonstrates obvious characteristics of someone sexually molested as a child. Daughters and their mothers attending her live "sex shows" thinking this is the new norm this is healthy. All mainstream music these days seems to be a show and a parade of softcore porn. Think of the children oh won't someone please think of the children lol! Meanwhile you have these children of conservative religious homes oppressing their sexuality while being bombarded by sexual imagery and even more so being repressed by society creating deep psychological impacts in these children.

In my city of Portland there are parts of town where there is no English spoken or even signs in English or the English is smaller and below which ever language is spoken in that particular neighborhood, usually Mexican, Chinese, Korean, etc... Now, I don't agree with English being a global language and I strongly support celebrating your heritage, even in a foreign culture and country but, within the usual confines of your own home while respecting your hosting culture. What's my point? Well let's look at Tibet as an example. The processes in which China has taken to wipe out Tibetan culture included replacing the language and destroying any trace of it and moving in as many Chinese as possible. (I'd like to do a rant on China... one of these days).

Portland has at least 4 or more Mexican radio stations. Across the United States Mexican is the only other language represented on such a high national level. Why is this? Even when for over a century the majority of white ethnic background included German or Irish. Why no German or Irish music stations even though they were also once a large ethnic majority of the country?