Friday, April 29, 2016

My Theory on the Electoral College/Rant

What reason did the founding fathers have in their development of the constitution to prevent a popular vote election in favor of an electoral vote? Whilst our electoral college is massively corrupt it's initial purpose was intended to prevent the vary corruption and weakness we have in government today! OUR GOVERNMENT IS WEAK it is run by the weak! It has been perverted and defiled! The electoral collage was created as a safety measure to prevent tyrants from being elected!

The electoral college was not meant to be a slight against the masses. The masses at the time were largely uneducated just as we are now. The minds in our government were meant to be trained to see the manipulations of those who seek to enslave us and humanity. Our government represents and STILL REPRESENTS ELECTED TRUSTEES! These government members were entrusted not just with the power to benevolently govern our nation and foreign affairs but to PREVENT the SLIME, the SCUM, the TRAITORS of humanity from coming into our lands and taking our offices! Spells, legalese, magic papers and language meant to confuse and bind the minds of those whom they targeted!

BANKS, CORPORATIONS, POWERFUL FAMILIES, all gambled day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, CENTURY AFTER CENTURY for control of YOU! Control over the entire system which is now our prison today! MEMBERS OF GOVERNMENT HAVE BEEN LONG BOUGHT OUT! They sowed their seeds of deceit in every house of government as soon as they could. Some would be weeded out through great effort AND IT IS THESE OCCURRENCES FOR WHICH WE SHOULD FOCUS AND LEARN, FOR MANY OF THESE EFFORTS WERE CARRIED OUT BY SOME OF OUR VERY PRESIDENTS before that office was completely lost. THEY VOICED THEIR WARNINGS! THEY DID! DAMN IT! The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, the BANKS, the FAMILIES! They warned the public as well as they could for they knew not in their own cabinets who was an enemy and who was a friend! WHO WAS IN THE POCKETS OF THE SLAVE MASTERS!?

Our country is bought out! We have a national army of men and women willing to die in the name of corporate interest and gain and none that will die for truth, liberty, and justice! Well I tell you I am willing to die for truth, liberty, and justice, and just because I carry on as normal, I tell you, when the time is right, I will fight for truth, liberty, and justice! The enemies of human liberation will taste the sword of justice; in a very literal fashion, they will.

WE ARE GOVERNED BY THE WEAK. Those who only follow, follow orders, placing more value in words on paper than that of their fellow human being. TIME AND TIME AGAIN THIS IS EXEMPLIFIED! The weak of mind have come to rule over us! THEY ARE WEAK AS THEY ARE CORRUPTIBLE! FUCKING WEAK! God I am so fed up with these global governments! Nothing but tricksters and cowards! If only we could go back to a time where A KING AND HIS COURTSHIP COULD BE SLAIN ON THE BATTLEFIELD! I WOULD HAVE SO MANY HEADS!

DLB 15 A Continuation

The title of this blog entry was going to be "The Second Inception" however, the dream was not something that plunged deeper into my psyche similar to that of the film.

This dream was actually the one I had planned to follow up DLB 13 but never got around to writing even a draft, most likely due to lack of memory details or harsh self criticism when trying to flesh out the dream.

After a few years have passed it's even harder to recall much detail at all sadly but, for anyone left wanting of a possibly continuation of DLB 13, this is the best I can do.

These two dreams are possibly not related, however, it was the strongest to follow. So, without further ado here it is:

I'm viewing the beach of a craggy coast guarding a thick forest from a god's eye. The sky is gray and much of the features are covered in snow, it's winter. A figure begins to emerge out from the forest onto a rocky finger into the sea and is carefully approaching the cliffs edge as if to avoid detection from something.
Closest representation I could find.

I realize it's me, and upon realizing this, my view changes into 1st person. I'm gazing up into the sky.

The gray hazy mist of Winter is spread about the sea and land with bellowing clouds all across the horizon. I know something is coming. Something emerges from the clouds; an intergalactic fleet that appear to materialize into existence. A vast array of ships varying sizes and designs and all appearing of an apparent military. I know they're not friendly.

For whatever reason, I tasked myself with observing them and drew out a specialized spyglass. Some were flying in formation, flanking the larger ships. As I gazed through my high-tech spyglass at the mass of vessels I was gripped with a sense of urgency and anxiousness. The formations of smaller ships began to break and seemed to be preparing for engagement. Within seconds of seeing this my spyglass spotted several cloaked vessels and three had just broken off and were heading directly at me! I sprinted for the woods making quick and solid efforts to ascend massive boulders and nimbly skip across the craggy outcrops. After the first craft was less than 100 yards they erupted as flashes of cloudy purple beams impacted their hulls. Just my luck! Two were intercepted and brought down by swooping incoming craft of an opposing force and a dogfight ensued which allowed my escape.

My viewing again changed to the 3rd person to view the opposing fleet that had broken through the mists near the mountains and a serious airborne conflict was already underway. The two of crafts, including the one that was nearest upon me, had suffered small explosions after taking fire and were struggling to keep airborne. One eventually plunged into the ocean while the one that was closest, and had fired at me, impacted into the forest. The ship that managed to avoid immediate fire from the opposing vessels attempted to leave the dogfight to regroup with it's fleet drawing my apparent allies with it.
My viewpoint was re-engaged to the first-person like a cut-scene to the main protagonist. I was running through the woods, over logs and boulders. I was wearing, what appeared to be, black carbon fiber that was plated over a black leather pelted suit. Technological yet organic. As I ran my senses picked something up. I came to a halt in a small opening. I knew something would be coming for me from the craft that had impacted into the forest I just didn't know they would find me so soon.

Six figures uncloaked around me and stood with weapons ready. They were all armed with what I can only assume were rifles and were masked by their helms. Their armor was sky blue and white and the colors wrapped and coiled and oscillated with varying transparencies. I was corralled and instinctively backed up only to have my backside against the cliff of a tall outcropping of black boulders. I stood there ready to meet my end.

As I took my last step towards the rock face behind me one of the soldiers stepped forward from my right. He came up to me and removed his visor. The face of the man that appeared before me bared a resemblance to Tom Cruise but, his role was not hero. They were here to capture me but, before he could say a word we all detected the presence of another.

In a matter of seconds all took defensive postures. Tom pointed his rifle at me and at that exact moment he was forcibly spun and thrust to the ground by the impact of a single shot. I took a second to glance up to where the shot came from and there she stood boldly at the top of the cliff with steam rising from the rifle she carried.

She crouched and rolled back with an urgency to avoid gunfire. The short battle allowed for my escape and I took flight with covering fire to prevent their movement. As I ran I caught glimpse of another enemy ship de-cloaking as it swooped in to possibly recover the team of soldiers sent to capture me. I kept running.

And that, is where I lose the rest... Sorry.

Planet X? Nibiru? Isthe Ninth planet Discovery to Open Some Eyes?

Orion Nebula
I like how "planet x" a.k.a. Nibiru is totally legit now hahaha. Hey there ancient Mayan prophecy where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Native American "myths" where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Egyptian "myths" where ya coming from? Hey there ancient Greek "myths" where ya coming from? Hey all the global ancient mythos where did it come from? Imagination?
It's time the people learned about the origins of Mars and the asteroid belt formerly known as planet "Maldek". It's time to learn why this planet has a funny wobble. It's time to learn why Mars has the strange moons and features it has. It's time to learn why Uranus and its rings are as they currently are. Learn why Jupiter has a massive cyclone storm.

Mars (Ares)
It's all been recorded in the "myths". We're soon to witness a massive "galactic" event not witnessed since around 12,000 years ago, perhaps a few thousand years sooner hence, this is why we've witnessed an increase in "ET" activity. I mean, the close proximity asteroids but, also, the communications and observations of other beings. You can't be convinced that at least one person you know hasn't at least seen one UFO and that at least one of those stories were true? If it is true, how can you not believe the millions of sightings of others across the globe who report similar events, ships, and species without knowing each other, or for the purpose of material gain, and before the invention of television, mass media, and instant communication, you would mean to tell me they're simply all lies or that only a very very small percent of those are TRUE but even if that is so then WHAT IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL REVELATION TO THIS? If you haven’t had this sort of epiphany and not living in frustration why there isn’t more focus on this then what does that mean to you? Can you comprehend that we are being visited by other beings, observed by other beings, communicated with by other beings that, HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO SAY AND HAVE SAID SO CLEARLY.

Can you truly comprehend that and it’s significance and not brush it off as some sort of farce!? They have sent us maps, they have sent us diagrams of their species and solar system in which they inhabit, they have sent us diagramed images of precise mathematical communications and instructions of calculations for creating FREE ENERGY. The clear issue is that simply, most people don’t know, and because they don’t know they believe it to be “fringe”. Math is a language encoded ENCODED in our very existence and is the universal communication. If we had not tongues we could still communicate with every being in the entire galaxy. Human language is a luxury and beautiful art that is being perverted and defiled, but I digress. Clearly we are dealing with an advanced race, but that statement is wrong because, clearly we are dealing with ADVANCED SPECIES. They have rules most of us don't understand. Number one in our lack of this understanding is that they will not communicate directly to the masses. I can speculate within reason that this is because they cannot appear as saviors and they cannot appear as conquerors. To conquer another species is forbidden. To save a species from itself may also be forbidden as it is seen as another step necessary of evolution. However, just like the "myths", they can influence the course of the planet’s inhabitants. Choices are left to the masses to decide a direction, of which there is an infinite. There are those who have contact with “others” and thus their decisions have been influenced in one way or the other, perhaps they see there is no higher value than that of servant or slave and for others there is no higher value than liberation. All this is speculation as I can only offer my personal experiences and my beliefs in that which has been presented to me. However, all evidence is speculative.
Empirical evidence is limited to that of human observation and we are very limited. We have gained a very important discovery, ELECTRONS ONLY EXIST under observation, and even in observation they behave very odd. Electrons can be observed in two or MORE places at once. We have particles which we now understand exist in multiple dimensions at once! We’ve discovered things living in our atmosphere which are only observable with special equipment! I digress, electrons not only exist only observation, implications have pointed to a theory that electrons exist because of our imagination! They have to be “imagined” and sought after to come into visible existence! Here we have long been discussing the power of our imagination, we have truly unlimited power to create anything! We can create! Everything breaks down into atoms, everything is made up of atoms and then atoms break down. We’re all made up of a basic material and part of that material has to be imagined to form a measurable structure! That has to be so exciting! For in that you have the power belief, the power of belief which accomplishes anything! What can we accomplish? How many atoms are in the period in the base of this question mark? How many electrons? So, is it a long process to imagine something into existence? It can be instantaneous, what matters is the power of your belief. That’s how anything is formed! Everything is an idea! Our whole existence! We evolved from a single cell organism! We evolve in the womb from a seeded single cell organism!
Did you know that the Black Stone of Mecca is a meteorite!? Where does it come from? Did you know that Lucifer is not reference to a “devil” but is the “light bringer” and ancient descriptions characterize it as a meteorite? Could it be that Lucifer and the Black Stone of Mecca is the same meteorite that may have even brought human life to this planet?
Why do so many cultures seem to worship Orion’s belt? Well the Orion Nebula is a STAR NURSERY! Our star came from that Nursery! You know what else? Inside the Orion Nebula is a vortex BLACK HOLE! Did you know WE JUST WITNESSED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY SOMETHING COMING OUT OF A BLACK HOLE!