Wednesday, November 30, 2011

DLB: A Very Bond Evening

I don't know what is with my subconscious but these past three nights I've been imagining all these parties.
Carlton, Oregon
Vang Vieng

It's the start of my day and I have a pretty complete recollection of the strange dream I had so lets begin.

The setting is a strange blend of the hedonistic jungle town of Vang Vieng, the lively and touristic Thai capital city of Bangkok, and a bit of my hometown of Carlton. What is even more surprisingly is that it's a version of Carlton from a previous dream I've had, in which it's more developed with nightlife but still a small town.

This is how I imagine people on Segways.
The dream begins when I arrive at the town of Carlton's airport and decide to rent a Segway on my way out of the terminal.  Pretty soon I've lost where I'm going while touring around the town and some how end up back at the airport. However, when I double back, I end up at a secured part of the airport tarmac apparently reserved for military purposes. I just happen to arrive when a large US government passenger jet is offloading passengers. I notice from the line of people leaving the aircraft that one of the passengers is Condalisa Rice. Somehow I'm able to make my way through a check point and onto the tarmac where I confront her. No alarm is given as apparently I was deft in my approach and just as cautious in making contact. Surprisingly she is open to communicate something important as to the current reason for this military and government presence but specifics are lost to my memory.

Typical Vang Vieng
The dream progresses on and I find myself at hotel where I was supposed to check in. Friends are there waiting for me. Whether these are people I've met in real life or not, or a mix of fantasy, I can't determine. Once checked in we head out to the town and find a party pub where things have already kicked off. The party is going pretty well and a girl and I start hitting it off. Pretty quickly it turns to evening and we all decide to head to the river. This is when the dream morphs to become a lot like Vang Vieng. Beautiful mountain ranges and large river separating the town from the massive span of rice fields. We made our way down to an expansive beach that has a great view of it all. As the moon rises celebration seems to take the surroundings by storm. Soon the sky is magically ablaze with color and beauty. However, things start to feel very late and the mood swings us to decide to return to the hotel. Instead of following the group I decide to head back up to the town. Apparently there were some friends missing from the party I wanted to track down.

After ascending a dirt road through the Vang Vieng setting into the town, once my feet meet pavement the buildings and environment are transformed back into a more familiar Carlton, Oregon. For whatever reason one of the nearby buildings is a familiar strip club from a previous dream. I use it to take short cut and I'm neither bothered by the patrons or the staff and simply make my way to the other side. Once on the outside on another street I take an immediate right around the building facade to a gated off backside area of the strip club. The gate is locked and instead of finding a way to open it I just pull some parkour moves and bound over the fence off the wall. Proceed forward I find the outside stairwell which brings clients to the VIP of the club. Once upstairs and back inside, the place is almost devoid of any clients. Strippers were mostly just lounging about but immediately took attention to me. I didn't give them much attention and asked where my friends were but they weren't to be found. So, without spending much time I left and moved on to another dive directly across the street. Yet another place from a previous dream, a lesbian bar.
Not butchy enough for the patrons.

If wisdom substituted for experience I would propose that this was not your typical lesbian bar. Mostly for the fact that there were actually hot waitresses and a hot bar tenderdress who ran the place. The only thing typical was probably the butch female patrons who were surprisingly friendly. I had the impression that not everyone working there was actually a lesbian from their flirtatiousness. However, my friends could not be found here and I really don't know why I'd expect to find them in such a place.

After this odd search I decided to give up and break for lunch at a nearby diner. I just happen to find one of these friends of mine there who turned out to be lost and was glad to be found. When we finished our meals and it was time to pay they had to leave the table to go use the toilet. After they left and I finished paying I noticed someone outside the window who appeared to be watching the transaction. The man quickly made his inside after being noticed. He had long blonde/white hair and was about in his late forties to fifties but looked relatively healthy. His face was distressed though, and when I looked him over I assumed that he wanted some money, just a stranger who wanted cash. I noticed a paper in his hand and I noticed he was reading my name from the card I used to pay for the meal.

I began to berating him and telling him to leave before he could get out more than a few words which already sounded like he was asking for something, or so I perceived. The diner had a pianist who was positioned behind our table. He apparently had some connection with the other man and convinced me to calm down and listen to what he had to say. Unfortunately the conversation is lost to memory, however the note he carried seemed to have information which was significant to my situation. The note carried a powerful secret that he had been attempting to track me down in order to deliver this information. It was somehow in connection to what I had learned from Condilisa. Whatever the information was it was dangerous to posses knowledge of.
The dream progresses and I find myself back at my hotel and run into an old former friend of mine in the lobby, Frankie. Frankie is a New York Italian, born and raised in the true Bronx of its time. He's probably about in his late sixties or early seventies, about 5'9 with long white hair and olive skin. He happened to be vacationing there I assumed because, in real life, he currently lived in the Philipines. It was a happy reunion despite having ended the friendship a year or so back. Understandable to put old grudges aside when seeing each other on the other side of the world just by chance, if it was chance... After a short period of catching up he told me about his new home and insisted I come visit. I agreed neglecting to ask why he happened to be in the lobby of my hotel but I went on to my room.

Ya something like that.
Back to the hotel room and there was a party going on. The girl I met earlier and joined us at the river was there but I was distracted by the events going on outside my window. The locals were releasing giant floating lanterns, hot-air balloon sized floating lanterns and en-mass with a variety of different colors and writings on them. I shouted to everyone at the party that we should go and get a closer view but they were too distracted and content and didn't seem to hear. So I watched from my window these massive lanterns being launched from the beach.
After a while I became fed up with the party and left my room and the hotel. Instead of heading to the beach the dream brings me to Frankie's place or palace I should say. Everything seems great. He greets me outside his massive new lavish home and catch up with one another and sharing stories as he shows me around his luxurious home. I'm gripped by suspicion the entire time. Frankie wasn't a rich man, even living in SE Asia you couldn't have a place like this unless you were landed or had some real weight in money to toss around. It was obvious there was something he wasn't telling me. It was a great and wondrous place though and he insisted I spend the night in one of its many bedrooms. It was already evening and I couldn't, I wouldn't fall asleep in this place. I was curious and being that my room was on the 1st floor and his on the 2nd I felt secure in exploring the various rooms. The first room I search I'm greeted by, from out of nowhere, the older man from the diner. Seems he came through a window, quite spry for his age. For whatever reason I'm not surprised, it's as if I was expecting him. After a short professional greeting like two thieves who already pre-planned their scheme he immediately reveals a hidden room with a statue level positioned next to a bookcase. A hidden door in the wall slides open. Once we walk inside we're greeted with contraptions, technologies, and devices beyond wonder that I can't possibly describe. There was something particular in the room that was the target of our interest though. Whatever it was I it tied Frankie in with some sort of grand conspiracy of a vague evil secret society.

...But more ominous and red.
Frankie it turned out was a recruited handler, an agent who had been monitoring me even before we met in real life all those years ago. His mission was to lure me into a trap where I could be dealt with as apparently I had become to much of a risk for his society or order. Our moonlight activities had not gone unnoticed. And Frankie appeared in the doorway behind us pointing a strange weapon at me and the old man. He lead us out and brought us back downstairs to a large living Victorian style livingroom, in fact much of his home was a blend of Victorian and SE Asian decor. Once he sat us down he began to explain the what, when and wherefore's of a diabolical plan, like a typical Bond villain explaining the genius of it all to their soon to be doomed captor. The older man who helped me break into the room was sitting on a sofa to the right of me. He tried to play coy and when Frankie appeared to let his guard down he made a move. Unfortunately he dove right into the path of Frankie's strange weapon and was injected with something that caused him to stumble back and collapse back onto the sofa.

Close enough. Thanks steam punks.
Frankie's weapon appeared to be some sort of over-complicated oversized metalic syringe. It shone the colors of the rainbow like oil shimmering in light but had a base of silver. There was ammunition in the form of small capsule balls that when ejected or injected may have dissolved on contact with the human skin.
He went on with his grandiose speech after mocking the death of my late partner and again, when I thought his guard was down I made my turn to rush him. I had more success and managed to grapple him but couldn't work the weapon away and he jab me with it. There wasn't any pain but I was losing my balance and seemingly my consciousness. We both realized who had won.

With the last of my strength I managed to sit back down upon a sofa. The world became twisted and vibrating as I was slipping into death.

"Will it be painful?" I asked. His response was lost but noticing as my progress to death was slow he hit me again with the syringe pistol injecting or ejecting a ball into my leg. Then the dream completely turned into some nonsense. Some odd team-melee-deathmatch-basketball-players-in-a-strange-house-kittens-monsters kind of game, nonsense.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dream Log Blog

Since one of my empty journals have gone missing and I'm not quite sure as to how much space I'm going to need in my current journal for lucid dreams and since I've been quite lazy to type up many of the interesting stories that occur in my life, I thought I would occupy this blog with a daily dream log until I get a new journal. It probably won't actually be daily since I'll likely forget one or two if I don't do this soon enough.

For the most part I have what I have labeled as "junk" dreams, which are pretty much just entertainment when I sleep at night. Top categories of these dreams being: 
  • Zombie
  • Dinosaur
  • Alien
  • Military
  • Random Dream Sequence Sex Fantasy
 What I might consider "quality" dreams are dreams that possibly have deeper meaning attached to them and come in the following top categories: 
  • Indiana Jones: I am doing something incredibly awesome, solving some mysterious ancient riddle that will unlock something while searching out and exploring wondrous ruins.
  • Family: In recent years this has been almost entirely dominated by sequences with Dad and his family.
  • Premonition: I don't give any credence to these dreams but they're always very interesting.
So, I decided to start recording my regular dreams today as I have realized that maybe my "normal" dreams might be telling me something. Here goes:

I was having an evening stroll down the street of what must have been the downtown area of an old European city. A young and beautiful woman was standing by the wall of one of the buildings I would soon come across. She was wearing what I would perceive as something typical of the 1920's fashion style and she sparked up a conversation with me about details I've long forgotten. Soon she was quite flirtatious and appeared to have a genuine interest in me. She took me by the arm and lead me down the cobblestone road. Pretty soon we entered into a lavish and upscale kind of hang out for young men and women; think of a modern take on a 1920's bar setting. Looking at the patrons, all appeared to be dressed in a very decadent manner. For me however, I happened to be wearing almost exactly what I actually wore the night of the dream, a sort of sailor's coat and jeans which looked a bit like grunge in a way.

She brought me over to an ornate and beautiful pool table. The way she walked and her body language was all of the most highly confident. She walked around like she owned the place and it seemed to be reciprocated. The pool table was gold encrusted and put together with what might have been mahogany wood and brown felt that made up the billiard cloth. There were two handsome young gentlemen occupying the table. I was intimidated by there presence and good looks compared to my own, but the lovely charmer who guided me in wasted no time to go over and brake there game up and shoo them away and insisted that we play a game together.

The balls on the table were all an ivory white with the exception of the cue ball, which may have been black or gold. All the balls, around 40 or so, were aligned perfectly in the center forming two rows of 20. During the game play another beautiful female entered into our room. She looked quite similar to the girl I had arrived with, with the exception of a small difference which I will describe later. At this point I realize now that the two males from earlier also strikingly similar. If I was more observant perhaps it could have been that everyone at this party...

It was during some playful conversation that she had joined us and it was at this point the balls had to be re-racked but with a typical triangular rack. This was because there were either six balls remaining or some other even number, like ten but this rack could have easily held another two rows of balls, rather odd for a triangular rack but it's a dream anyway. In the two empty rows remaining in the rack I was told to place what I believe was four gold euro coins for each missing ball. Even in the dream I was still poor and still working at a hostel in Tallinn, Estonia. I was stressed at the direction the game was going and explained my situation. So, the betting changed slightly. The two lads dismissed earlier had only sat a table away and it was decided they would provide the gold coins for me and the girl but that we would all have to bet articles of clothing as collateral.

Both the men bet their belts. Details of their garments are illusive but one of the "twins" was wearing all white. The beautiful woman who brought me in didn't hesitate to bet her top as did her look a like. Both of the women were wearing a black ensemble; a contrast of black and white for whatever reason. Finally, I notice the glaring difference between the two girls. Their lovely features are almost completely alike however, the girl who brought me here has a strange, not grotesque in any way, birthmark on her left breast. I couldn't make out exactly what it looked like but this made it possible to tell them apart.

The rest of the dream becomes hazy and last I can remember is that my self confidence had plummeted. One of the twin males starts being flirty and makes advances on my dame but, to my surprise she refuses and mocks him with insults  about his muscular features. Unfortunately, the rest I forget.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

When I die the obituaries is probably going to read something like:

Last man to follow some crazy tradtion of eat habbits dies! As discovered by the Institute of Etiquette and Social Graces, the last man on earth who observed a dwindling amount of table manors dies. The following table manors are now no longer found to be observed simulatenously anywhere:
Not slurping*, not placing your face directly over your plate, not scraping the metalwear with one's teeth, breathing normally when ingesting food instead of sounding like your stroking yourself towards orgasm, chewing with one's mouth open, talking with a mouth so full of food you're practically sharing it with everyone, not shovelling your food so fast as if any minute you might get chased away, chewing so hard that your teeth clap together to sound like someone bunting a baseball.
I seriously think I just might be one of the last men on Earth and probably of my generation to observe such simple mannorisms when eating.
I mean, WTF, do you not hear yourself when you chew with your mouth open?! What does that fork taste like!? I'm so glad the food is stimulating an orgasm for you but could you learn how to breath through your nose or something? You're not Fat Bastard, learn some god damned table manners!
*-Slurping occasionally acceptable when eating noodles or drinking hot beverages.

It's been a long time and this is probably my most important post this year!

The DANGER of the belief in Ron Paul
Ron Paul looks like the best candidate choice of any politician but you are forgetting how candidates are chosen. ITS NOT BY THE PEOPLE.  
What Ron Paul says is great, don't get me wrong. Believe it or not, the majority of the people in the U.S. are actually going to vote for Ron Paul and he may win! But think about it... Here is a candidate that has captured the trust of the nation for the nations distrust in the system and yet they continue using the system to place someone in the system who is probably already apart of the system.
Ron Paul is black balled by the media. We know that, how do you know they aren't playing you?. You don't think that the powers that be aren't smart enough to appeal to those seeking truth to misguide them!? Fallacies of Ron Paul, for one, is that he supports the gold standard. We have to get out of this system of money!!! Damn it. The gold standard is just as easily manipulated! We don't even know that the gold our government "has" exists!
Ron Pual is NOT campaigning on the release of FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY! It's real and would end the majority of struggles around the world! Then once this man gets into office. Wow what a celebration of victory! Just like Obama! He will win the hearts of the people then use this power to manipulate the world! He is the underdog! He will call for the New World Order when the crisis hits and then the people will applaud it! And it will be just as clear as that, of coure the NWO will come under the guise of something to save the planet from utter chaos or destruction, perhaps even alien invasion. I mean why not? Who is going to question the underdog? The man who is against the system but... works in the system. I mean you don't have a freakin clue who this man is going to assign as his cabinet or VP. I mean the only person you have in this picture is Ron Paul and that's it.
Get it together folks. Look at the big picture and don't ignore the small details!