Been a while since I had an entry to this particularly just because I've been lazy and dreams have mostly not been that vivid or interesting. Last night was an exception. Let's begin.
Sorry guys but you were written in the script as Marine #... |
So this goes on like a chain dream (one dream connected or morphing into the next) but I can't really remember the first or even the second (I know they were there because I had been woken up in between and new I had them) but the third dream picks up at what would be an ending to what is best described as an Aliens movie. Basically me and some lady are all that is left of the survivors as are crew/platoon/whatever was wiped out while on some creepy sci-fi ship/base.
We thought that the xenomorph or whatever enemy had been wiped out but we both had a bad feeling about the whole thing. As the last man on board with the only woman I knew it was probably only a matter a time before I met the same fate as the rest of the crew as these situations typically go and low and behold the moment came.
We needed to separate. For whatever reason we had come upon lift which could only be designed by writers of suspense... Assholes. I volunteered to go through the small shaft and down the elevator while the woman stayed behind to work the controls and lower me to my fate, because for whatever reason it just had to be done.
I'm sure nothing like that will happen... |
We parted ways and with weapon in hand I ventured cautiously into the ever darkening shaft. Only a soft glow of orange light illuminated the industrial world around me until I mad it to the other side. Upon my arrival I signaled to her to begin lowering the small elevator. Then something happened. My consciousness came into play albeit briefly, but long enough for me to realize that not only was the dream becoming less illuminated but I realized that my mind must also be going to a very dark place and that soon this would become a nightmare!

I used the will of my mind then and there to change the direction of the dream immediately. I gave myself the persona of an extreme hero! No monstrous beings or entities were going to hold me back! I'm going to kick ass and take names! The elevator stopped. The area was more lit. I ran in with guns blazing! Some how already recognizing who was with the good, the bad and the ugly. Though I'm not quite sure now whose side I was on it was apparently linked with Umbrella Corporation. Indeed the dream had changed drastically and I was helping a team of somebodies take down another team of somebodies.
The enemy had been whittled down to just a few and we closed in to question the survivors... but before we could we all realized we were endanger for a super human, known as Krauser, was closing in on us. Before we could react effectively the genetically manipulated man, with almost a dragon wing of an arm, attacked with lightening speed.
He is a fierce asshole. |
Desperate gunfire from both sides attempted to bring the monster of a man down, but he was to quick. Knocking around opponents like rag dolls to the left and right and quickly bringing his attention to me and knocked me down some stairs before I could fire. Down this stairwell I quickly regained my composure and he came at me. I narrowly avoided his head crushing attack as I rolled toward the stairs away from the wall and began sprinting up. The others, to whom I did not know were fighting for or with, began planting explosives. And ran for exits while myself and a few others were left to deal with the superhuman madman.
Krauser dashed from the stairwell into the center of the room and I began to open fire. Quick, like moves in the matrix, he avoided my every shot. Soon he was upon me and my fate was sealed, but just then someone else had opened fire and struck Krauser in the leg. Great news until his wing like arm knocked me off my feet and sent me flying into a large 20x40 foot window.
Several stories up surely I was going to go squish on the pavement, but no. Just then the explosion propelled me forward. It propelled me far enough to the point where I cleared the street below me and was poised to land in a large pond next to the city park. Yes the skyscraper was right next to a relatively large body of water (large to have in the middle of a city). Then I noticed, the city was infested with undead... and they were even in the water. The calamity of the action in the tower had not gone unnoticed. Even this body of water was teaming with undead.
Uhh... Hi. |
I had to move quickly to get to shallower waters and escape. The pond was man made and surprisingly you could see the bottom of it. As I made it to shallower waters I knew that I was finished. A large crowd had amassed and were eager to tear me apart. Finally I accepted my fate. I knew there was no escape. I accepted the idea of how the first bites would be quite painful and then perhaps I would feel nothing at all. I stood there waiting for the first one to strike. A young woman made the first attack and was quickly gnawing to get through my apparently protective tactical clothing.
Feeling the pressure on my arm I suddenly snapped out of this feeling of acceptance. I wanted to live damn it! I pushed her away violently and dashed through shallow waters. Cutting through the crowd like a football linesman on steroids. Bashing zombies to the left and right out of my path. Just as I was cutting through to the edge of the crowd I had tripped over one of the undead. I quickly stumbled to my feet and then the dream began to change. Thoughts turned to the idea of this scenario being part of a video game I was in and that I had found some sort of secret bonus area where if you killed the right zombie you might get a prize. Low and behold, my thoughts manifested and off to my left, not to for from me was a zombie loaded with rocket launchers strapped to its back. I would still have to some how manage getting through a light crowd but compared to where I just got through, she might as well be right out in the open! I was about to dart in when suddenly some voices from the park called out and began to open fire on horde of undead. Figuring that it would be senseless to risk being shot and eaten alive after all this luck of narrowly escaping death I ran to the voice.
Ya something like that. |
I fell unconscious after reaching them. A rag tag gang of well armed men but apparently I was in Africa as all of them were black. I woke up in a hospital. Daylight, and no one was around. Typically hospitals are a bad place to be and particularly creepy when no one's around so I got out as quickly as possible. Only while running down a dirty street did I realize I was barefoot and wearing only a pair tattered pants and shirt. It would have made sense considering what I had just been through. Fortunately for me I ran back into the gang that rescued me. They were happy to see me and had apparently secured this particular area for them to operate in. They had quite a collection of weapons and gave me a set. Basically I was stocked like a player in GTA. That's where the dream ends unfortunately.
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