Lucid dreaming is a term used to describe the state of consciousness when a person becomes "awake" during a dream. Lucid dreaming can be used as a means of spiritual growth or for pure fun because in this state one is in almost complete control of their environment. For more information on lucid dreaming please feel free to check out:
Spirit Science or
My journal looks exactly the same! |
This will be my first entry on my own personal experiences which can be quite personal. I hope you enjoy reading these for the sake of entertainment and not as a guide to learning how to lucid dream, sorry. I hope, however that if the reader has experienced lucid dreaming them self they can relate to my stories.
These are republished from my personal dream journal and I highly recommend that if you wish to start lucid dreaming that keeping a dream journal is a good step in the right direction. Enjoy!
Finally after four attempts I managed a lucid (I had been practicing different of inducing lucid dreams for the past four nights). This occurred while I was sleeping in reception (I was working at a hostel which has a bed in the reception office for 24 hour service). When I became lucid I maintained control of the dream for about less than what I perceived as 30 seconds. Triggering the lucid state might have been helped by listening to a website called I was in a dream state before finding the trigger mechanism (triggering mechanism refers to an object or body part you designate in your mind, after practicing, to use in order to trigger lucidity), which I designated as my hands. Dream consciousness began when I made attempts at personal flight (you know, like superman).
I was outside in what appeared to be a parking lot behind what was possibly a large materials outlet. As I grew more conscious I made sure to look at my hands. I believe there may have also been trees around me or at least for sure I know that there was at least one that I climbed when I had initially failed to simply lift myself up off the ground.
Oh shit! Save me Dave! |
Trying to fly, for me, was difficult. I couldn't just stand there and will myself, I had to try jumping. Finally after several attempts I was overcome with joy when I was finally off the ground and flying away from the tree, however without much control like an astronaut after an unfortunate mishap in space. I was eager to travel around my dreamscape! However when I turned my attention to the sky my attention was pulled into something very luminescent, to say the least.
No it wasn't you but close enough. |
I was awe struck. It was like I had just started on a really great mushroom trip. It was powerful. However I can't quite remember what it was. It was so jarring to see this awesomeness (and actually this effect repeats itself in many of my lucid or near lucid dreams), when it occurred I began to loose lucidity. The only way I can describe it is similar to the presence of something massive like a sun with planetoids orbiting or perhaps simply floating around it. All were yellowish gold in color and all that it brought to my mind then other then the sun was perhaps a "great eye". I was fixated, perhaps hypnotized and could not maintain control. Lucidity was lost and I could not will myself into flight. Memory fades...
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