Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Tree that is Afraid to Bare Fruit

What is the conspiracy theorist agenda (with the exception of sensationalist Alex Jones and the like)? From my perspective and understanding it consists of mainly these things:

  1. Free energy truth and for this technology to be implemented by public means.
  2. Free/superabundance of food healthy for human consumption and proper diet. Superabundance brought about through use of existing public/secret technologies.
  3. Free shelter for all peoples of the planet and proper facilities made possible through existing/secret technologies.
  4. An economy that functions to serve the public and not the interests of those who manipulate it. An economy based off of superabundance rather than scarcity.
  5. A fair government of public trustees that are entitled to nothing and interests belong strictly to the public. A government truly of the people that has not been superseded by foreign powers, families, secret organizations, corporations or banking institutions.
  6. The end of all unnecessary wars and weaponry and involvement in foreign affairs which by no means serves the interest of a peaceful and intelligent people.
  7. A society of common unity. A society that trust and serve each other as if each were them-self.
  8. An end to materialistic demands that effect the way of a functional prosperous world. End of needless consumption and a well managed ecological society that co-exists with all life on this planet.
  9. The equal pursuit of happiness without violating the lives of those to whom you share the planet with.
  10. The possible preservation of a document which vaguely outlines a functional republic.
  11. The end of religions. Spirituality and science come together.
  12. The exposure of our true ancient past.
Now for my understanding of what the conspiracy theorist agenda is to the main stream media and those who swallow it whole:
  1. Build a fallout shelter!
  2. Buy lots of guns and ammunition!
  3. Mock the lives of others who have suffered great loss!
  4. Everything is a lie! We're paranoid and schizophrenic!
  5. Plotting violent revolution to overthrow our government!
I think that about sums it up there.

There was more to add to this but I lost the inspiration...

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