Sunday, October 19, 2014

This video got me stirred enough to write another blog.

“Films, football, beer, and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult….”  -1984 by George Orwell

Beautiful Specimen

...Or actual matters impacting the world. Just points out how immature our society is (similar to what Epstein pointed out in his essay, "The Perpetual Adolescent") with it's sports obsession. People just don't understand the level of destruction our mindless consumption of resources has brought us! I mean McD's consumes around 1 million pounds of beef... Well where does that beef come from? Thin air? That million pounds of beef has to be fed with around 3 million pounds of grain and how much land does that require!? And that's just freakin McDicks! Just consider every fastfood chain on the planet! And people have this wall in their head that prevents them from ever putting two and two together to see the big picture! A trend of ONE BILLION PEOPLE almost EVERY TEN YEARS!!! This trend just emerging in the last 30/40 years! No one thinks of the animals... No one thinks of the scale of what that sort of demand requires.... and that's how our species ends... Too distracted with B.S., like what football team is going to win the freakin Superbowl this year. That's the damn wall!
And I do believe, that what I described, adds to this metaphor.

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