Complete and utter cancer on the planet, civilization, and the
individual! We have NEVER EVER had a need for oil! E V E R! It is part
of the slave mechanism of this planet and it will and IS leading us to
madness is destroying literally everything but the bank accounts of
those who've embraced it!
I mean, I am sure that the critical thinkers of the past must have thought of the invention of the oil internal combustion engine, "What a marvel, but this machine spews black clouds of poison! It should not be massed produced."
Or something along that nature. They KNEW that, even at that time, fossil fuels were not the only choice in fuels! I mean we've been rapidly marketing something that absolutely harms the environment and causes cancer. It's pure poison and even when studies and the discoveries showed how detrimental it was to produce this cancerous machine it was largely IGNORED and continued to be marketed! I mean people are fucking so damn ignorant anyway! What choice? What choice? As if the average human being would know of it's harm anyway!
And oil is ABSOLUTELY part of the SLAVE MECHANISM! Here we have men hard at work to suck up every drop of it! WORSE we have men willing to send mankind to their deaths for it! WORSE YET, we have men willing to send men to KILL, MURDER, STEAL, from rivals, sovereign nations, INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN! OIL IS A COG IN THE SLAVE MACHINE! And by god it so empowers the fiction of the paper currency!
Speaking of cancer! The cancer INDUSTRY IS A CANCER! Another fucking cog in the slave machine! HOW MUCH AROUND YOU IS AN ADDED RISK FACTOR TO CANCER!? That food you eat, that beverage you drink, THE AIR YOU BREATH!? EVEN THE VERY TREATMENTS THEY GIVE! Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Absolutely! Oh but we're responsible? It's our fault? Yes in many ways. Mostly because we've let our responsibility to ourselves and to society fall on the shoulders of another! Trustees, presidents, CEOs, but obviously we're not completely to blame.
Who loves power? Who loves control? Who can get ahead in a society that says these things are the most important parts of existence? MONEY, POWER, CONTROL, right? The psychopath craves these things and they're the ones willing to step on people to get them! And we have a society setup to SUPPORT THE PSYCHOPATH! WE HAVE A SOCIETY THAT IS EVEN SETUP TO TRAIN PEOPLE INTO BEING PSYCHOPATHS! JUST LOOK AT WHAT'S ON TELEVISION! LOOK AT ADVERTISING! LISTEN TO (well don't) POP MUSIC! WHAT DO HIP HOP ARTISTS RAP ABOUT SO MUCH!?
WE HAVE COME TO LOVE OUR SERVITUDE! PERIOD! You don't remember why we went to Iraq? How is Afghanistan doing? How is Libya doing? OH THE DICTATORS! THE DICTATORS! WE INSTALLED THOSE DICTATORS! 9/11! 9/11! WHERE DID THE TERRORISTS EVEN COME FROM!? You think Saudi terrorists need funding from Saddam!? WHO WAS THE BIN LADEN FAMILY?!
So we have NO PROBLEM sending young men and women TO DIE! Tarnish there souls with the deaths of... I don't need to repeat myself. We have no problem... We have no problem... Fucking apathy. Apathy, something else I wanted to rage about but... I don't know if I'll ever get around to it lol.
Soldier - Soul-Dier. What do you think all the decorations are for? Honor right? What's the stars you got? What's the oak leaf you got? Oak cluster... The colors... The pins and stripes! You really just don't think about the MEANING! IT ALL HAS FUCKING MEANING! You aren't a PROPER SACRIFICE if you're put into the grave without the proper decorations!
No, fuck it. I'm not done. APATHY so much apathy!!! You don't think you should be upset that around 60% of US citizens are overweight!? Do people even fucking realize!? I mean the masses SHOULD have long been aghast when it was 25%!!! THIS IS A SERIOUS EPIDEMIC! THIS IS SERIOUSLY TROUBLING AND IT'S BLOODY WORLDWIDE!
But hell, 25-40% OF AMERICANS AREN'T EVEN SURE IF THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN OR VICE-VERSA! I'LL PUT MONEY ON IT! So how could the masses even be intelligent enough to... IQ! The AVERAGE IQ of Americans is LESS THAN 100! Probably not even that shocking. The IQ test can be discredited... but people... The amount of resources that the US has at its disposal should (in theory) produce a country of geniuses! Instead, it's full of ignoramuses! Funny enough, the mass population of India gives the probability of having as many geniuses as the US has people!
I mean, I am sure that the critical thinkers of the past must have thought of the invention of the oil internal combustion engine, "What a marvel, but this machine spews black clouds of poison! It should not be massed produced."
Or something along that nature. They KNEW that, even at that time, fossil fuels were not the only choice in fuels! I mean we've been rapidly marketing something that absolutely harms the environment and causes cancer. It's pure poison and even when studies and the discoveries showed how detrimental it was to produce this cancerous machine it was largely IGNORED and continued to be marketed! I mean people are fucking so damn ignorant anyway! What choice? What choice? As if the average human being would know of it's harm anyway!
And oil is ABSOLUTELY part of the SLAVE MECHANISM! Here we have men hard at work to suck up every drop of it! WORSE we have men willing to send mankind to their deaths for it! WORSE YET, we have men willing to send men to KILL, MURDER, STEAL, from rivals, sovereign nations, INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN! OIL IS A COG IN THE SLAVE MACHINE! And by god it so empowers the fiction of the paper currency!
Speaking of cancer! The cancer INDUSTRY IS A CANCER! Another fucking cog in the slave machine! HOW MUCH AROUND YOU IS AN ADDED RISK FACTOR TO CANCER!? That food you eat, that beverage you drink, THE AIR YOU BREATH!? EVEN THE VERY TREATMENTS THEY GIVE! Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Absolutely! Oh but we're responsible? It's our fault? Yes in many ways. Mostly because we've let our responsibility to ourselves and to society fall on the shoulders of another! Trustees, presidents, CEOs, but obviously we're not completely to blame.
Who loves power? Who loves control? Who can get ahead in a society that says these things are the most important parts of existence? MONEY, POWER, CONTROL, right? The psychopath craves these things and they're the ones willing to step on people to get them! And we have a society setup to SUPPORT THE PSYCHOPATH! WE HAVE A SOCIETY THAT IS EVEN SETUP TO TRAIN PEOPLE INTO BEING PSYCHOPATHS! JUST LOOK AT WHAT'S ON TELEVISION! LOOK AT ADVERTISING! LISTEN TO (well don't) POP MUSIC! WHAT DO HIP HOP ARTISTS RAP ABOUT SO MUCH!?
WE HAVE COME TO LOVE OUR SERVITUDE! PERIOD! You don't remember why we went to Iraq? How is Afghanistan doing? How is Libya doing? OH THE DICTATORS! THE DICTATORS! WE INSTALLED THOSE DICTATORS! 9/11! 9/11! WHERE DID THE TERRORISTS EVEN COME FROM!? You think Saudi terrorists need funding from Saddam!? WHO WAS THE BIN LADEN FAMILY?!
So we have NO PROBLEM sending young men and women TO DIE! Tarnish there souls with the deaths of... I don't need to repeat myself. We have no problem... We have no problem... Fucking apathy. Apathy, something else I wanted to rage about but... I don't know if I'll ever get around to it lol.
Soldier - Soul-Dier. What do you think all the decorations are for? Honor right? What's the stars you got? What's the oak leaf you got? Oak cluster... The colors... The pins and stripes! You really just don't think about the MEANING! IT ALL HAS FUCKING MEANING! You aren't a PROPER SACRIFICE if you're put into the grave without the proper decorations!
No, fuck it. I'm not done. APATHY so much apathy!!! You don't think you should be upset that around 60% of US citizens are overweight!? Do people even fucking realize!? I mean the masses SHOULD have long been aghast when it was 25%!!! THIS IS A SERIOUS EPIDEMIC! THIS IS SERIOUSLY TROUBLING AND IT'S BLOODY WORLDWIDE!
But hell, 25-40% OF AMERICANS AREN'T EVEN SURE IF THE EARTH REVOLVES AROUND THE SUN OR VICE-VERSA! I'LL PUT MONEY ON IT! So how could the masses even be intelligent enough to... IQ! The AVERAGE IQ of Americans is LESS THAN 100! Probably not even that shocking. The IQ test can be discredited... but people... The amount of resources that the US has at its disposal should (in theory) produce a country of geniuses! Instead, it's full of ignoramuses! Funny enough, the mass population of India gives the probability of having as many geniuses as the US has people!
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