Monday, October 15, 2012

Kept as a Reminder of My Ignorant Youth

Can't even use the words "Nazi" or "Fascist" anymore. Nope that just labels you as some sort of rebellious youth. So guess what! Guess what! Here is the new word!
SCUM. Pure, vile, malevolent SCUM of the planet. Enemies of humanity.

Willful ignorance is no longer an excuse and your decisions are being rectified.


People don't understand empathy. They don't seem to understand narcissism either but look at our society, who can blame them? They don't cry themselves to sleep at night because their brothers or sisters are being shot, tortured, forced to work in a cell. Just go to their houses of worship, work or institutions and don't think about a single thing outside their small reality. Robbed of their connection.

And some heavily conditioned brother or sister might say:
"Hey Jack, why don't you do some of that action you're always talking about huh? Why don't you go uhh to uhh China or Africa and free those slaves and suffering people. You're always talking about how much you hat it here, why don't you go and uhh life in Mexico or something."

Stop talking. Listen! SHUT UP about all the stupid BS going on in your life. STOP all the freaking BS gossip! STFU about what is on television! STOP talking about the useless election! Unless you're pointing out it's corruption!

I'm trying to empower the individual so TOGETHER we can be empowered! I can't go fix what is happening in those countries on my own! There are people already doing that. Look at how much they have accomplished! They helped that community, great, THAT IS NOTHING! Communication is everything right now. So people no longer have to work alone to try and make a change! WE can work together, we can make a change once YOU care. That is what empowerment is! It's talking to whoever is in ear shot and getting them to care about what is happening beyond their personal life!

Television is poison for your mind. To fill it with BS, so much so, you just got to share it with everybody else!

Think it's soft? Think it's soft caring for your planetary brothers and sisters? Think it's nothing to cry over? Let me brutalize you and your family! Find out how soft it is. Learn empathy so we can put a stop to this heinousness!   

Saturday, October 13, 2012

DLB 12 on October 12th, 2012 Published at 12:30

I've been having a LOT of interesting dreams, just so you know it's not that I haven't had the material, I've just been unproductive in writing about them.

This is the best I could summarize from what I can remember of the dream.
The dream itself was entirely a visual message. No words, just images, which is something that is incredibly rare for me.

First, the Pleiades:
I was told through imaging that, perhaps, somewhere around Maia or Alcyone, there is a planet with two moons. It's hard to recall exactly where and their meaning but it was distinct and therefore it may be noticed as someplace of importance and that is the best I can do to interpret.

Second, there something to do with Sacre-Coeur in Paris, France:

This part of the structure in Particular:
As I was told through the imagery there may be some sort of star map or connection of sort within the blueprints or design of the structure.

These photos are from my visit to Paris in 2012. This dream may possibly be the result of a Third Eye Mirror Meditation I did before sleeping.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Real Traveling Pants

How is it you were left behind?

I honestly don’t remember. I had been there for some time and shuffled around much until you pulled me out of that bag and set me aside.

Where was this?

From my understanding it was Estonia.

Do you have feelings or emotions? Just curious after the way you said your last answer.

No. I’m a pair of pants. I’m simply an observer.

How do you observe? You obviously don’t have eyes; I’m shocked we’re even able to communicate.

Your allowed perception of me has made it possible for us to communicate. I observe through the energies and vibrations and the produced collective consciousness. When you break it all down you and I are one in the same. Previous meddlers in this area would have called our discourse ‘magic’ or ‘witchcraft’. I suppose you might understand that I am simply a projection that you have decided to manifest as this particular pair of jeans when I could just as easily be that coffee table over there.

What an in-depth answer.


Ok let’s move on then.

Did you enjoy your time traveling with me?

I don’t have these sort of feelings.

Ok. How about… Was the experience, of your time spent with me… Oh I see we’re just going to have to keep this portion about myself.

Well it already is about you. I am your projection.

Right. Was your addition to my life beneficial to me?



Simple, you had something to wear on your legs offering mild protection and warmth. I even encouraged you to do things that had you been wearing other articles you may have been less obliged to attempt.

I suppose that explains a couple of nice holes you have in you and how lovingly warn you've become.

Lovingly? Well I understand the expression so I’m not going to explain. Yes, these holes were as you would call, “a team effort”.

What was the event in which caused those particular holes?

We acquired these holes while crossing over a wrought-iron security gate that was barring you from entering an underground portion of an Italian castle. You didn't express enough care in placing your leg over the pointed spades.

Let’s go over a few more features. What about that bit of faded paint there?

We managed to accumulate several of these spots while painting the interior of a new hostel for the partner of your previous boss in Estonia.

And that wear, where the fibers are splitting?

Wear is accumulated with time. I assume you are referring to the times, in which, most stress was applied to those areas. Mostly due to your labors in Estonia and Germany and from the many miles we walked across Europe. My condition would surprise most considering the details of what we went through.

Why are the legging ends so chewed? Why did I have to cut them?

You did not have to but for the sake of ease you cut the hanging portion of. As for why they are so “chewed” is because of exposure to the elements. Mostly damage occurring during winter.

How about that final opening on the knee?

This occurred when we took a tumble from your cousin’s all-terrain motorcycle. We collided with the soil and possibly a rock or root which damaged us both.

You will be joining me on my next adventure. Do you expect your material form will last and function until the end?

It’s highly plausible that I would though nothing is for certain.

Thank you for this dialogue Jeans.

Your gratitude, in manor of a metaphysical way, is appreciated.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Looking at a Face

Nobody knows what they're looking at when they're looking at a face. They have to wait for a movie or a book to tell them. So is the loss of our "sixth sense" they call it, so is the loss of being empathic.

Serious about life?

Jack, when are you going to get serious about life?
Life? What life are you... Oh you mean conformity!
You mean the life that I should spend my youth in an institution to get a piece of paper in order to earn more smaller pieces of paper. Where the only possible life experience as youth I get should be spend obsessing over sports and going out drinking with my friends on the weekends because that is the proper way of living! Let me tell ya!
Or you mean the life where I should concentrate on having a nice place with lots of things! And when I get more paper I can get an even bigger place with a lot more things so I can enjoy having friends come over and admire all the nice things I have. I shouldn't try to use my brain for anything other than making paper so I can acquire more things!
Doesn't matter what's happening with the planet so long as I can have my things and the puppet in the box can tell me everything is, "Ok." just that there are going to be some bumps in the road and some brown people have to die and that I'm being kept safe from the boogeyman!
I shouldn't think about spiritual things because either I got my insurance with the church that I pay for or I don't believe in anything at all! Why ask questions about anything at all because I already have people telling me all I need to know and they have way more experience then I do in my life! I mean hell, they were trained to tell me how to run my life and what to believe so WTF should I believe anything else?
Why experience the world when I have the world in a BOX! The puppets inside the box even tell me who and where the bad and good people are so I never have to worry about it myself!
Yes this life is a paradise because everything is just taken care of for you! Kind of like some other species of animals I know... What's that thing that happens to them when they get fat enough? Oh never-mind they don't have lives anyway. They're already dead! Damn, man is so superior! Ha! We definitely don't belong to the animal kingdom!
Get busy living, or you're already dead.