Monday, October 15, 2012


People don't understand empathy. They don't seem to understand narcissism either but look at our society, who can blame them? They don't cry themselves to sleep at night because their brothers or sisters are being shot, tortured, forced to work in a cell. Just go to their houses of worship, work or institutions and don't think about a single thing outside their small reality. Robbed of their connection.

And some heavily conditioned brother or sister might say:
"Hey Jack, why don't you do some of that action you're always talking about huh? Why don't you go uhh to uhh China or Africa and free those slaves and suffering people. You're always talking about how much you hat it here, why don't you go and uhh life in Mexico or something."

Stop talking. Listen! SHUT UP about all the stupid BS going on in your life. STOP all the freaking BS gossip! STFU about what is on television! STOP talking about the useless election! Unless you're pointing out it's corruption!

I'm trying to empower the individual so TOGETHER we can be empowered! I can't go fix what is happening in those countries on my own! There are people already doing that. Look at how much they have accomplished! They helped that community, great, THAT IS NOTHING! Communication is everything right now. So people no longer have to work alone to try and make a change! WE can work together, we can make a change once YOU care. That is what empowerment is! It's talking to whoever is in ear shot and getting them to care about what is happening beyond their personal life!

Television is poison for your mind. To fill it with BS, so much so, you just got to share it with everybody else!

Think it's soft? Think it's soft caring for your planetary brothers and sisters? Think it's nothing to cry over? Let me brutalize you and your family! Find out how soft it is. Learn empathy so we can put a stop to this heinousness!   

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