Saturday, July 30, 2011

Quotes I'd Like to Credit to Myself

Evolve or be without mind.

Willful ignorance is living in death.

Trying to achieve enlightenment in today's world is like today's cancer patient trying to quit smoking... You know it would be good for you, but you're already contaminated and its going to be a long hard battle fighting the addiction.

Why do you spend all your time in the light when you are most needed in the darkness?

For you have failed to instill fear of anything in me, I shall now instill the love of everything in you

The question IS the answer for there-in lay the quest for truth!

Trust not the man... who offers all the answers... only the men who ask all the questions

When the truth is funnier than fiction what more in life is there to laugh at?

With a heart so big it is easily heavy... so heavy in fact it easily sinks... sinks so low it is easily stepped on... so easily stomped it is often crushed. Easily...

Tribes torn apart by disgrace and anger shall finally find forgiveness in each other when they realize for whom it was responsible in placing them in such disgrace and anger. Then they shall rise up to defeat this menace whom was always responsible for their suffering! 
Nationalists must demonstrate what they want to create.
A nation and it's people are no different than a family and a home. A home lived in is preserved, culture must be lived to be preserved.


  1. People keep telling me that pointing at fallacies is a bad thing... Probably one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. "Jack you must hate America, don't you?!"

    To which I answer, "No. I'm pointing these fallacies out so they can be corrected. You don't become better at grammar without someone to point out your mistakes do you!?"

  2. There are two types of people in this world; the people who take off their clothes and get naked when the stage performer tells them to and the people who wait to see if anyone else is taking off their clothes before doing it themselves!

  3. Compassion will be lost if empathy cannot be found.

  4. These new forms of"Diversity" and "Multi-Culturalism" are purely Communist ideals. These ideals, applied to the State, are no different than forcing you to divide your home into sub-units, host uninvited guests, and let them use you and your property as they and the State see fit, which, is literally what happened after the Jewish Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

  5. Within this great war, there is only VICTORY OR DEATH! For history is written by the victors and the cost of our loss is to have the truth hidden and great men turned to demons once again! We shall not lose Europe and we shall not lose our empire! Hail Victory!
