Connecting the dots on the future of humanity...
I have a thought that upon nearing the date of 12 2012 we are going to experience the largest conspiracy yet to be released. This of course is the alien invasion of Earth.
The government admits to the existence of extra-terrestrials and has for some time admitting several conspiracies to hide the truth. In revealing this they go into detail about how it was for our own protection and to prevent panic over a topic that can now no longer be hidden, that topic being a secret war between the human race and aliens that the governments of the world have secretly been protecting us from.
Ok, so that's a very condensed version of what I think might happen at some press conference in the near future. What does that mean for us? What does that mean for the future of trying to get passed the puppet governments lies and stopping the formation of a world government that seeks to enslave humanity.
Well for one thing, if this happens and shit hasn't already hit the fan (like more false flag bullshit) the bulk of the shit is really going to hit around this time and the world is really going to go into a state of organized panic. A request will go out for all countries to unanimously align themselves with something like the UN power structure to combat this alien threat.
Military enlistment will go through the roof as citizens will be eager to combat this especially foreign threat. This foreign threat works great for NWO and works great as their ace in the hole. Why? Well they thought really hard about just using foreign armies to instill Marshall Law but realized there is too much at risk. The risk being that having a foreign occupying army enforcing Marshal Law in a country like the United States would cause the world to see the blatant grab for power and cause a severe uprising against established governments. Plus there is still a strong presence of humanity among most human beings so this would just turn out too sour for the NWO.
Now with an alien attack Marshal Law can be established without question and not just in the US but most countries around the world for safety of course!
Military enlistment continues to boom with the release of new technologies and weapons for the new "Super Soldier" that most of us have seen in development. Everyone will want to get their grubby little hands on the new power suit and fancy weapons that will conveniently be made available just in time for the invasion. Of course what else would they toss in for new enlistees? Why the verichip of course! Certainly with the new gadgets and wired-in computer human interface you would "have to" have some sort of chip inserted in order to interact with your new power suit!
Now where does this leave people like us? People who know the game, and know exactly what is happening will be almost completely screwed.
The world will be in an organized panic, any argument for a conspiracy will be side swept by the fact that we are dealing with an alien invasion! There really is little hope to emerge successful in defeating the NWO, at this point it would have to be by means of violent revolution during the ensuing chaos to overthrow the elite. Not something to look forward to...
And then after the whole thing is over (and of course we defeat the aliens after much loss and a few years war) the NWO emerges as the hero and we have our very own tyrannical world government with little hope of managing an effective resistance.
Ohhh if only it were a zombie apocalypse things would be so much easier but they have this so well thought out... that's why of course they don't release a zombie plague, too risky lol too easy to overthrow and assassinate the elites.
Anyway, clocks ticking...
So what are my older and wiser friends thinking?
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