Saturday, July 30, 2011

DLB 00

I have frequent dreams of being back in the military, either rejoining or some imagined experience of my time within. I am choosing to journalize about this particular dream because it was the first dream that I ever had which took place together with an older version of myself which has never occurred before. I never got to see my face but my voice and appearance was older. So from what I can remember it went sort of like this:

I'm approximately ten years or so older and some point in the future, another reality. I am part of some sort of military or paramilitary force dispatched on a mission. We're sent to Egypt for reason's unfortunately unclear. However, my team has found themselves positioned nearby ancient Egyptian ruins and something happens which causes us to evacuate ourselves from the area. I remember we took to some covert scuba operations to overtake a futuristic sea-fairing vessel. The vessel is massive and appears to be a type of cargo carrier. I am not the commanding officer of my team for, before our arrival, I remember being briefed by such a figure of authority before we plunged ourselves underneath the sea near the ship. 
I find myself with my team fighting some other sort of military force onboard the ship. Unfortunately we're all pinned down in the open as we're trying to overtake a bridge to the opposite side of the ship. There is almost no cover. Within the span of a few seconds my team is all but wiped out. I am all that is left, my magazine is dry and, for whatever reason the weapons of my fallen comrades are either non-functional or nearly dry on ammo as well (some sort of futuristic M-16 but it looks exactly like this: strange model assault rifle which is crazy because I have never seen it before). Fortunately, during the gun battle I was somehow able to recover a futuristic Kalashnikov loaded with a full clip from one of the dead adversaries. During this, what I thought were the last moments of my life, I kept thinking of something to do with my training which was about to save my life. I took what little cover was available and when the enemy thought they had the drop on me and made their move I unleashed a fury of gunfire on them all. Taking careful aim I picked them off as they came and  repeated my assault, advancing from cover to cover. It was over in a matter of seconds and as soon as I breathed a sigh of relief at the chaos I had just survived something happened, an explosion or flash of light. Not sure what exactly. Not sure if I was dying but something or someone comes from my back. I sensed it was not an enemy but there was either a few individuals or something of tremendous size. Was it even human?

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