So last night I had a chain dream (series of dreams completely unrelated and having there own endings) and for the first time ever experienced sleep paralysis at least in the dream world... not fun. Let's get started shall we!
First dream was about my Father's side of the family which I typically find myself riding dirt bikes, because if there was one thing to hold with me forever about being with my Dad, it was taking the dirt bikes into the mountains every chance we got regardless of weather.
Second dream, I don't really remember other than the fact that at the end of it I was paralyzed! The dream had something to do with uncovering a secret or some vital information (these dreams are always quite strange as you can probably imagine) but that is all I can remember of the plot, this dream had a pretty horrible end to it. What happened? Well for whatever reason, I come to near lucidity (I don't say complete because obviously it's lucid when you have complete control, I did not) but I realize I'm in my bed in the hostel. Everything looks exactly the same in the dream and I just keep thinking, "Why the fuck can't I move? Move damn it!" Then I hear a creepy voice and for whatever reason I knew exactly who it was without seeing them... Stephen King's The IT.
I've never seen the film 'The IT' but for some reason I know exactly what that damn clown's voice sounds like. I could feel it touching my back with it's claws as I laid there helpless.
It was talking to me and laughing maniacally at me. For some reason I did not panic, even though I was sure 'It' was soon to pounce on me. It must have been the part of me that was concious. I started having trouble breathing but someone how I managed to force myself awake, or at least I thought I did.
Once I realized I was 'awake' I laid my head back down to sleep and within an instant I was right back to being semi-concious and paralyzed in my bed. This time at least there was nothing there waiting for me and again I managed to snap out of it.
Whether I actually 'awoke' or not, I made the concious decision not to have that happen again and so began our next dream though I'm not sure if this is where it started off. It's about the 1930's around the same time of the prohibition and the height of all those illegal booze cartels. I'm inside a crowded underground passage or tunnel full of people sitting and standing around trying to get a glimpse of a film playing on the back wall at the end of the tunnel.
Trying to find the best spot I climb up a stone wall where others are pirched to watch the film, but insted the story that starts to unfold is of these three unhappy boys I see washing striped shirts in a runoff going through the tunnel.
They're rolling these button t-shirts with a smooth round piece of wood to force the water out. They're chating (about what I can't remember) and as they are just finishing up with their work load a large amount of bundled shirts comes tumbling down a pipe to be washed. One of them remarks about how another plane must have come in or something.
They're about to forget about it all and just quit when a large, not muscular but, intimidating man in a brown 3 piece suit and blonde hair arrives and looks over them.
He starts whipping orders and verbally abusing each of the boys and 'motivates' the poor boys back to their task. Satisfied and with a smirk across his face he quips, "Remember, I'm your Father." The boys looked on glumly as the man walked away.
Their story ends there and I decide to follow this asshole back to his home. For whatever reason, while following him, the dream turns into a scene from a typical Guy Ritchie film. Alan Ford is walking to his living place when a bunch of men with guns close in on him even coming from his home. I watch on like some floating camera able to get all the best shots and angles even exclaiming, "Oh I love this film."
These men mean business and even though they apparently killed some men that were already on the premisis (some other gang of armed thugs) Alan Ford plays his usual type cast as a man to be feared and respected and plays it completely cool. So the men leave after delivering their threat and Alan Ford enter's his home. One interesting scene from this, that I'm not sure I've seen in a movie before, one of the thugs had shot a man through the head and was using that space to place his gun and use the body as a human shield when he came out to point it at Alan. Of course the body was heavy and as part of some light twisted humor, after the confrontation with Alan, he falls forward with the body and his buddy (who was taking cover behind him) dashes to catch him.
I entered the home and the dream changed. It went back to being about the man with the blonde hair and three piece business suit. When I entered the home I discovered he had a beautiful daughter roughly my age with blonde hair. She followed him through the house into the kitchen. He didn't threaten her or beat her and the home was typical. They had a pleasant conversation in the kitchen and I could tell that clearly they loved each other as Father and Daughter. Perplexed at how this could be I sat down on the bed (their bedroom adjacent to the kitchen with a door leading in). Pretty soon the girl emerges from the kitchen and sits down next to me. She radiated love and we shared a nice conversation. I was still completely confused as to how this terrible man could have this other side to him. The dream didn't carry on much longer and I woke up completely energized. Tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I thought I would go ahead and type this out.
First dream was about my Father's side of the family which I typically find myself riding dirt bikes, because if there was one thing to hold with me forever about being with my Dad, it was taking the dirt bikes into the mountains every chance we got regardless of weather.
If this doesn't give you the creeps... |
I've never seen the film 'The IT' but for some reason I know exactly what that damn clown's voice sounds like. I could feel it touching my back with it's claws as I laid there helpless.
It was talking to me and laughing maniacally at me. For some reason I did not panic, even though I was sure 'It' was soon to pounce on me. It must have been the part of me that was concious. I started having trouble breathing but someone how I managed to force myself awake, or at least I thought I did.
Once I realized I was 'awake' I laid my head back down to sleep and within an instant I was right back to being semi-concious and paralyzed in my bed. This time at least there was nothing there waiting for me and again I managed to snap out of it.
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Something like that. |
Trying to find the best spot I climb up a stone wall where others are pirched to watch the film, but insted the story that starts to unfold is of these three unhappy boys I see washing striped shirts in a runoff going through the tunnel.
They're rolling these button t-shirts with a smooth round piece of wood to force the water out. They're chating (about what I can't remember) and as they are just finishing up with their work load a large amount of bundled shirts comes tumbling down a pipe to be washed. One of them remarks about how another plane must have come in or something.
They're about to forget about it all and just quit when a large, not muscular but, intimidating man in a brown 3 piece suit and blonde hair arrives and looks over them.
He starts whipping orders and verbally abusing each of the boys and 'motivates' the poor boys back to their task. Satisfied and with a smirk across his face he quips, "Remember, I'm your Father." The boys looked on glumly as the man walked away.
Their story ends there and I decide to follow this asshole back to his home. For whatever reason, while following him, the dream turns into a scene from a typical Guy Ritchie film. Alan Ford is walking to his living place when a bunch of men with guns close in on him even coming from his home. I watch on like some floating camera able to get all the best shots and angles even exclaiming, "Oh I love this film."
These men mean business and even though they apparently killed some men that were already on the premisis (some other gang of armed thugs) Alan Ford plays his usual type cast as a man to be feared and respected and plays it completely cool. So the men leave after delivering their threat and Alan Ford enter's his home. One interesting scene from this, that I'm not sure I've seen in a movie before, one of the thugs had shot a man through the head and was using that space to place his gun and use the body as a human shield when he came out to point it at Alan. Of course the body was heavy and as part of some light twisted humor, after the confrontation with Alan, he falls forward with the body and his buddy (who was taking cover behind him) dashes to catch him.
I entered the home and the dream changed. It went back to being about the man with the blonde hair and three piece business suit. When I entered the home I discovered he had a beautiful daughter roughly my age with blonde hair. She followed him through the house into the kitchen. He didn't threaten her or beat her and the home was typical. They had a pleasant conversation in the kitchen and I could tell that clearly they loved each other as Father and Daughter. Perplexed at how this could be I sat down on the bed (their bedroom adjacent to the kitchen with a door leading in). Pretty soon the girl emerges from the kitchen and sits down next to me. She radiated love and we shared a nice conversation. I was still completely confused as to how this terrible man could have this other side to him. The dream didn't carry on much longer and I woke up completely energized. Tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I thought I would go ahead and type this out.
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