Dirt biking with Travis Pastrana of course! |
Awesome! Recording that last crap dream story worked! I woke up today with soo many details. Let's begin!
First this thing starts off as a family sort of dream and since this was what I believe to be the first, it's the hardest to remember. Always something to do with dirtbikes and some famous riders but damn it I can't remember the main premise of what was going on that far back, just some images still lingering.
Something like that. |
Something like that. |
Anyway let's move on! At some point I signed back up for the military even with some friends! Some chunks of this part of the dream are missing though... ack! Ok so I'm going to cut to a scene where apparently my friends and I have been snooping around a base and we just got finished fighting some aliens or some shit, deep underground under this military structure. Sorry I can't really describe the fighting due to the memory but it was something slightly similar to some really intense team deathmatch from like Unreal Tournament. After it's all over and we're in a safe spot we decide to split. For whatever reason though my dream girlfriend had been along with us, but I actually can't remember exactly what she looked like, it's just really confusing. I remember her as someone familiar that I had met before and had feelings for before and we are totally in love, so in love I even confess it to her in the dream. Sparks are flyin from the love we have for each other it's so intense as we make our way out of this underground base. We reach the surface and we're inside a pretty typical USAF office type building. This surface structure is still occupied by the military though so we had to sneak around and hide for a while. We found a nice hiding spot... I can't remember where, but it was time for some sweet sweet love. After our session finished the coast became clear. The office area had completely turned into a ghost town so we made our way out. Once outside I noticed the surroundings were almost similar to Kadena AFB but I'm not quite sure if that's the base I actually visit in Japan. Anyway, outside was some
HUGE satellite dishes, plenty of grass covering the grounds (I'm talking a few football fields) and a concrete and stone wall typical of Japan fashioning that was about 30 feet high or something and supporting dense tree growth.
Something like that. By the way image alignment sucks on blogger so I had to cut out some of the images. |
Look at me! I'm a tool! |
As we come out of the (apparently brown stucco) building I noticed someone in the distance. Fearing we I had been spotted I grab my girl and rush back inside the now vacant building in the hopes of not being caught. It was too late though, they had definitely spotted us and Security Forces trucks were cruising by to secure the area. We tried cutting through the building and exiting out the direct opposite of where we entered to try and make a break for it to a similar building but SF was already there waiting for us. We ran back inside the building but were casually stopped by a female African-American officer with the rank of major or possibly something higher.
She seems nice. |
I complained about being caught "again" but things weren't so doom and gloom. Apparently the people who staffed this part of the building had returned or been there with out us noticing. She took us into one of the offices and sat us down. Remember I said I had joined the military and I recognized her as having authority over me and addressed her as such though I wasn't sure of my own rank. My dream girl did not however. It was unclear as to whether she was actually a member of the military too but she completely disregarded this other character in an act of defiance to which the officer reacted by stating her rank and apparently how it needs to be respected.
After things had settled down and the bit of tension was relaxed, she went on to tell us of a "job" we were to undertake. Apparently we were of some value though this officer didn't seem to express any concern or interest in what had just happened deep underground in the very secret facilities.
Fuck ya something like that! |
The memory fuzzes and then catches up to "dreamgirl" and I traveling through, what I can only imagine, some sort of worm hole. Chatting to eachother about things I can't remember other than I was really interested in the armor she was wearing. Apparently we're both decked out in Halo's Spartan armor or rather something similar, it was actually quite different in a lot of ways. Anyway I remember telling her how sweet her armor was because she had decked it out with some glowing material which also made her armor similar to that in from the latest Tron film.

Memory fuzzes again and I found myself observing a large human military force (again similar to technology and appearance to that of Halo) on some alien planet but similar to an arctic tundra. Instead of preparing to fight the Covenant from Halo this military was instead perparing to fight something like the Tyranids from Warhammer 40k (there sure are a lot of gaming scifi references...). There is also a large gray military structure that was also alien in appearance. The building materials were unknown and it wasn't rigid flat but rather curved and reflective and glittered slightly in the sun. Around were several large metalic containers that seemed dispersed and stacked at random.
Something like that. |
I was only observing this military force but I knew I was physically present in the environment, I was just observing from a distance. Something drew my attention though to a hill were a few of these large metalic shipping containers were. I investigated as to why my mind would be drawn to the area and walked up the snow covered hill. When it began to level out I noticed there were some egg shaped crysalis objects, each about the size of a football, next to a container. There were only two at first then when I picked one up I noticed a thrid to my left. Each was different in appearance. Each "egg" had a different section that was bio-organic in appearance while the rest would be covered in either mirrored sort of scales or like that of an etched crystal egg. While I stood there and just a few seconds past the "egg" I was holding transformed, into what I can't remember but it was still small and nothing that appeared alive and I still held it comfortably. A few seconds after I was immediately turned to the shouting of a soldier who had come running up the hill. He kept his distance from me, but his concern was about the "egg", which he threatened to shoot. I had no intention of letting this happen and I protected them by placing myself in the line of fire. Seeing this the soldier backed off and headed back towards the military/alien structure.

Memory fuzzes and all I can remember is being back in the "wormhole" then suddenly finding myself walking down a road to my "home" in Carlton, Oregon (so my mind is tying back into where the dream started). Of course it's not actually Carlton, Oregon and my course diverges into some large hotel casino place. Memory of it was a lot clearer until now since I had to write out the other part of this dream unfortunately.
I walked inside one of the businesses of this large building but unfortunatel my memory fuzzes until about the time I'm leaving. There is a sort of strip joint inside and the stippers entertain whether there are paying patrons or not. It's very clear in my mind they are paid to dance by the hour and weren't completely naked so perhaps they were more like show girls. I think I had been sitting in the restaurant area and watching these two women. One of them wasn't very good looking and reminded me of this manager named Dorka that manages a couple of the hostels in the Old Town area. After finishing my meal I got up and headed towards the exit out, which is by a bar and under a large colorful water fountain.
"I jus wanned ta tell you 'bout ma internets!" ='( |
I pause by the bar for a moment to notice one of the patrons (who looks like Michael Rooker better known as the bad guy in every action movie or more recently Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead) trying to pick up on one of the strippers who was trying to take a break behind the bar. He was being a regular uncomfortable sort pretending to be completely inept to the dancer's obvious contempt for him with her fake smiles, giggles and words. She noticed me but kept her attention to the man pestering her. The man gets a little impatient and goes behind the bar. The dancer is afraid but plays it tough and doesn't fret the stranger being that we're in a public place that's quite brightly lit. I decide to keep walking towards the door when on my way out I hear her say, "I have to say goodbye to a friend of mine."

She races over to me and we chat for a few seconds when she hand me a note and tells me that she's scared. She says it's from the guy. I was expecting the worst but instead the note was quite innocent. Can't remember the exact details but it asked if she liked something and that the guy was a member of some sort of fan base forum and some blog or something and that she should check it out. I assured her that things would be okay and that she was safe and whatever other comforting words I could say. So she relaxed and went on back.

Leaving the building and walking through the parking lot I crossed infront of a man who was aerating a section of grass in the median. He called out to me and told me, "Your Father said you were looking for a job..." Looking at the man he didn't appear to be the type to be aerating grass. Dressed all in white, but not so white as to draw attention, it was subtle and dignified, also a chapped leather vest adorned with silver medallions and large threads of leather dangling down here and there as with that typical sort of fashion. A white cowboy hat was fixed atop his head and I'm sure he had some black and silver cowboy boots to finish the ensemble. He was about 60 years of age or older and had a big neatly trimmed white beard and peppered hair.

We had a good discussion as to my future prospect of working under his wing as he, not so surprisingly, turned out to be the owner this large new building. He was that sort of Southern gentlemen though who valued putting his own effort into maintaining his properties when he could, like aerating a small patch of grass that needed it in the parking lot in the middle of the night... I'm sure whatever the backstory was to this imaginery character he was working out some stress with his personal life or something. Ugh unfortunately from typing up all this, going into detail hasn't helped jogging my memory of the dream I had, instead just the opposite. So the last little bit I can remember is I think I end up running a propper strip club that he had in another part of the building. With flashy scenes of extravagance that you usually find conjured up in action movies like in the scenes were the mafia is having a meeting in the secret back area of the club.
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