Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pick Pocketed in Mongolia: An Experience They Won't Soon Forget

Yesterday we left our couchsurfing host's place and were headed to a Buddhist temple for a 6pm English meditation class (however no the correct date). Not to point any fingers but I insisted on taking our things to the guest house first but since the temple was closer and the time for the class was approaching, my mother insisted going there first.

So with all my shit packed with one backpack on my back and one on my chest, pockets full, we headed in. Just as we were about to squeeze (and I really mean squeeze) through the doorway we were bum-rushed by a gang of youths about my age who were pretending to rudely overtake us in getting through the door as a distraction.

As the rudely pushed by and pushed my mother inside ( I only thought they were being the usual rude pushy Asians) I heard the Velcro of my pocket rip open. At that exact moment I knew what was happening so without hesitation I whipped around and shoved whomever was behind me down the stairs (which turned out to be a stalky young male).

 I was FURIOUS! Raging like a bull I began shouting out him and as he got up, continued to shout and push him. Of course I fell right into their trap.

While I was distracted with the one male another of the gang members picket my iPod out of my pocket while my rage was flowing and my attention completely diverted from the fact that there was 4 or 5 of them.

As I pushed and threatened the male he continued to snicker. I had without knowing let the criminals escape thinking I had all of my possessions and therefore sought no further violence.

As we convened inside the temple and removed the heavy packs I soon realized that my ipod was missing... The police were called and I attempted to track down the young gang but unfortunately my search started too late.

The police arrived and a few hours later we came to the police station and gave statements and looked at photographs. Unfortunately the rage caused my short-term to become non-existent even though for several seconds I was staring one of them in the face so I could not I.D. them.

Upon leaving the police station a panicked young man ran up to us and the police officer escorting us out.

He was distressed and it turned out that he had been chased by a gang that was following us. He had noticed that this gang of criminals was following when we were walking to the police station. The gang noticed him following and began chasing him until he got close to the police station.

Being the ONLY white person with a blonde 6" mohawk I am a pretty easy target. My life might be in danger, even still.

So the next day I washed my hair and geared up for war.

I decided that obviously they were preying on tourists in transition. So I recruited two guys and a girl to wear some backpacks propped up with cloths and we placed socks in their pockets to make them look full and used headphones connected to nothing as the bait.

Me and the other guy were dressed down. I dressed like I was military and hid my mohawk. The girl and guy we walked around the city as planned, especially in the places where the gang was last and trailed far or waited out of sight.

Eventually, around 8pm I imagine, we were downtown near the police station where I think they chased the one young man.

I was robbed in broad day light right around 1800 and it's light out until about 2130. So around 2000 we spotted a gang of guys and girls following our setup of a French couple on the move.

We watched for a while and waited for them to appear more obvious. I don't remember their faces exactly so I didn't want to be too wrong (because hey a gang of pickpockets is a gang of pickpockets). They also dress really nice and look clean, they blend in.

They got closer and looked suspicious enough and I was certain the guy in the red and white hat was the same guy that I had the initial confrontation with.

I signaled the other French guy that wasn't with the couple and I began to stalk them closely until I was in a running distance where even if they heard me it would be too late.

I think the French guy I was with signaled the couple or maybe it was just a perfect setup and timing but they headed for one of the large restaurants and as they did the gang quickened their pace to almost running to rush them just as my mother and I had been rushed.

So, in broad daylight with people watching just like what happened to me, we sprang OUR trap. Punked their asses right in the street (I pulled up wearing a camo wrap around my face so I looked a little suspicious to the on lookers) and no one intervened except a lot of shouting.

The girls we let run away and me and the two Frenchmen hopefully taught a lesson to the pickpockets of UB or at least those three little shits. After being sure to break the nose of the guy with the hat and a few swift kicks we let them go. On lookers soon reacting to us which ended up being difficult to explain with the exception of some other tourists so we departed quickly as well.

What tomorrow holds for me I don't know. All I know is that I might have to keep my looks toned down until I leave for Russia. I don't have any friends here and the French who helped well they're only staying at the guest house until tomorrow. O_O

I could have dug myself a deeper hole and I still don't have my iPod. Tomorrow though I'm going to the street where I got pick-pocketed to look for security cameras and hopefully get them behind bars.

DLB 00

I have frequent dreams of being back in the military, either rejoining or some imagined experience of my time within. I am choosing to journalize about this particular dream because it was the first dream that I ever had which took place together with an older version of myself which has never occurred before. I never got to see my face but my voice and appearance was older. So from what I can remember it went sort of like this:

I'm approximately ten years or so older and some point in the future, another reality. I am part of some sort of military or paramilitary force dispatched on a mission. We're sent to Egypt for reason's unfortunately unclear. However, my team has found themselves positioned nearby ancient Egyptian ruins and something happens which causes us to evacuate ourselves from the area. I remember we took to some covert scuba operations to overtake a futuristic sea-fairing vessel. The vessel is massive and appears to be a type of cargo carrier. I am not the commanding officer of my team for, before our arrival, I remember being briefed by such a figure of authority before we plunged ourselves underneath the sea near the ship. 
I find myself with my team fighting some other sort of military force onboard the ship. Unfortunately we're all pinned down in the open as we're trying to overtake a bridge to the opposite side of the ship. There is almost no cover. Within the span of a few seconds my team is all but wiped out. I am all that is left, my magazine is dry and, for whatever reason the weapons of my fallen comrades are either non-functional or nearly dry on ammo as well (some sort of futuristic M-16 but it looks exactly like this: strange model assault rifle which is crazy because I have never seen it before). Fortunately, during the gun battle I was somehow able to recover a futuristic Kalashnikov loaded with a full clip from one of the dead adversaries. During this, what I thought were the last moments of my life, I kept thinking of something to do with my training which was about to save my life. I took what little cover was available and when the enemy thought they had the drop on me and made their move I unleashed a fury of gunfire on them all. Taking careful aim I picked them off as they came and  repeated my assault, advancing from cover to cover. It was over in a matter of seconds and as soon as I breathed a sigh of relief at the chaos I had just survived something happened, an explosion or flash of light. Not sure what exactly. Not sure if I was dying but something or someone comes from my back. I sensed it was not an enemy but there was either a few individuals or something of tremendous size. Was it even human?

Bosnian Pyramid

Bosnian Pyramid
I just want you right now reading this post to look up pyramids around the world. Then once you do that I want you to think why there are pyramids around the world. The ocean coast of Japan's Islands, China, Egypt, Bosnia, the gulf coast Cuba, and much of the Americas are covered with pyramids. 
I want you to think then how it is possible that the preserved pyramids off the coast of Japan are under the ocean. I want you to think about how the Bosnian pyramids have been covered in such earth and plant growth. I want you to think about how the pyramids off the coast of Cuba are under over half a mile of sea water.

Then I want you to view with Google Earth or maybe even Google Maps, the pyramids of Giza and see that they were once in fact next to the river NILE and that the river Nile is now 8 miles away from the pyramids. EIGHT FUCKING MILES! Then I want you to google how old the Giza Pyramids are and look to the answer you get. Then I want you to dig deep and figure out how long it takes for a river to move geographically over 8 miles! THE ANSWER YOU WILL FIND DOES NOT MATCH THE SUPPOSED AGE OF THE GIZA PYRAMIDS.

Then I want you to dig deeper and google image the Sphinx. Find some nice images and then look at the obvious water damage to the statue. Dig even deeper and find that in order for that water damage to be there the Sphinx would have to be MUCH OLDER than the age we are given! Even older than the pyramids themselves!

Then I want you to ask yourself now why is it that this isn't further investigated world wide? Then I want you to research other ancient civilizations and find that there are some dating over 16000 years old!

Civilizations that had laser and mathematical precision that still do not exist TO THIS FUCKING DAY! ASK WHY THIS DOESN'T BOTHER THE WORLD. Keeping asking just keep asking questions.

IF ONLY PEOPLE CARED TO SEE IT! IF only people cared to look! If only people cared to know why this has been hidden from us!

Understand the significance of how it is still impossible to build the structures OF OUR OWN ANCIENT HERITAGE! Understand the OBELISK! Understand they "DID NOT HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY" to raise the obelisks or at least none that we know of. WE DO NOT HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to build such complete obelisks! WHY!?

Understand that the only people who know DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW!

Quotes I'd Like to Credit to Myself

Evolve or be without mind.

Willful ignorance is living in death.

Trying to achieve enlightenment in today's world is like today's cancer patient trying to quit smoking... You know it would be good for you, but you're already contaminated and its going to be a long hard battle fighting the addiction.

Why do you spend all your time in the light when you are most needed in the darkness?

For you have failed to instill fear of anything in me, I shall now instill the love of everything in you

The question IS the answer for there-in lay the quest for truth!

Trust not the man... who offers all the answers... only the men who ask all the questions

When the truth is funnier than fiction what more in life is there to laugh at?

With a heart so big it is easily heavy... so heavy in fact it easily sinks... sinks so low it is easily stepped on... so easily stomped it is often crushed. Easily...

Tribes torn apart by disgrace and anger shall finally find forgiveness in each other when they realize for whom it was responsible in placing them in such disgrace and anger. Then they shall rise up to defeat this menace whom was always responsible for their suffering! 
Nationalists must demonstrate what they want to create.
A nation and it's people are no different than a family and a home. A home lived in is preserved, culture must be lived to be preserved.


Dear friends,

Some of you may already know that I have decided not to return to Japan, but instead have decided to travel Asia and maybe Europe. I have really met some amazing, wonderful and beautiful people along my adventure in Japan and it deeply saddens me that I will not soon see many of you again. Tearful when I read this poem again and thinking of the many great memories I will forever keep in store from Japan. This is an Omikuji or poem-draw written by either the Emperor Meiji or Empress Shoken, regardless the words have spoken in volume and come to mean much to me:

Though you should fall behind
Your traveling companions,
Never turn your steps aside
From the rightful path.

I never bought any souvenirs because it would simply mean more weight for my pack but on of my hosts, Satoshi Takushige thought I should leave the temple we visited with a small momento. From the pavilion he purchased the both of us the opportunity to select an Omikuji at random from some sort of wooden box. You pull out some sort of wooden stick similar to that of a chopstick which determines your Omikuji.

...It is hoped that the poem's message will have particular meaning for you.
And indeed it did. I share this with you now what I have not shared with anyone before. You all played your special part in my journey. You all made my trip in Japan enjoyable and possible, and for this, from the bottom of my heart I thank you.

A few special thanks to:
Satoshi Tokushige- for opening up not only his home but his heart and giving me the opportunity to find great meaning.
Sayuri Rodan- who not only opened up her fantastic home but also her heart and mind. She and her family were prepared to accept me with open arms and she was even prepared to make sacrifices to help me in my path. I apologize though that I will be putting off monk-hood until I make a firm decision about where I want to be.
Toshi Mochan- or Mochan Toshi, this is a man with a heart of gold! Truly someone full of compassion for his fellow man, eager to share the small joys of the world with all those he meets! He runs Wishclub and I wish him and his business endeavor all the best! He's not about the money, but I hope he makes all the riches in the world to help out such a unique and special club that allows human beings from all over the world to connect on a significant level!
Digo Di V. G.- my longest stay in all of my couch surfing shenanigans. This man opened his home to me whenever I needed a place to rest my head. He is forever one my friends, one of my best friends! He and Sebastion, I will never forget these great guys!

I LOVE ALL OF YOU! And if there was anyone who I might have missed please add yourself! I hope I got everyone!

You are all beautiful lovely people and whatever you do, where ever you find yourself, may it be with love and wisdom!

Pondering 2012: Alien Falseflag to Usher in a New Era

Connecting the dots on the future of humanity...
I have a thought that upon nearing the date of 12 2012 we are going to experience the largest conspiracy yet to be released. This of course is the alien invasion of Earth.
I imagine you're all familiar with this topic. I think it might play out something like this:

The government admits to the existence of extra-terrestrials and has for some time admitting several conspiracies to hide the truth. In revealing this they go into detail about how it was for our own protection and to prevent panic over a topic that can now no longer be hidden, that topic being a secret war between the human race and aliens that the governments of the world have secretly been protecting us from.

Ok, so that's a very condensed version of what I think might happen at some press conference in the near future. What does that mean for us? What does that mean for the future of trying to get passed the puppet governments lies and stopping the formation of a world government that seeks to enslave humanity.

Well for one thing, if this happens and shit hasn't already hit the fan (like more false flag bullshit) the bulk of the shit is really going to hit around this time and the world is really going to go into a state of organized panic. A request will go out for all countries to unanimously align themselves with something like the UN power structure to combat this alien threat.

Military enlistment will go through the roof as citizens will be eager to combat this especially foreign threat. This foreign threat works great for NWO and works great as their ace in the hole. Why? Well they thought really hard about just using foreign armies to instill Marshall Law but realized there is too much at risk. The risk being that having a foreign occupying army enforcing Marshal Law in a country like the United States would cause the world to see the blatant grab for power and cause a severe uprising against established governments. Plus there is still a strong presence of humanity among most human beings so this would just turn out too sour for the NWO.

Now with an alien attack Marshal Law can be established without question and not just in the US but most countries around the world for safety of course!

Military enlistment continues to boom with the release of new technologies and weapons for the new "Super Soldier" that most of us have seen in development. Everyone will want to get their grubby little hands on the new power suit and fancy weapons that will conveniently be made available just in time for the invasion. Of course what else would they toss in for new enlistees? Why the verichip of course! Certainly with the new gadgets and wired-in computer human interface you would "have to" have some sort of chip inserted in order to interact with your new power suit!

Now where does this leave people like us? People who know the game, and know exactly what is happening will be almost completely screwed.

The world will be in an organized panic, any argument for a conspiracy will be side swept by the fact that we are dealing with an alien invasion! There really is little hope to emerge successful in defeating the NWO, at this point it would have to be by means of violent revolution during the ensuing chaos to overthrow the elite. Not something to look forward to...

And then after the whole thing is over (and of course we defeat the aliens after much loss and a few years war) the NWO emerges as the hero and we have our very own tyrannical world government with little hope of managing an effective resistance.

Ohhh if only it were a zombie apocalypse things would be so much easier but they have this so well thought out... that's why of course they don't release a zombie plague, too risky lol too easy to overthrow and assassinate the elites.

Anyway, clocks ticking...
So what are my older and wiser friends thinking?

Pondering Why

Pondering ideas outside ones own grasp of control... Why... Asking why... Not the impossible sort of why questions, more like the unattainable why questions... However, first, lets start with the possibly attainable why question: Why do the homeless ages 50+ go on living? Why? I think I might interview one to find out. I don't think i need to explain why such a question should be so intriguing... Certainly having this question answered would bring some sort of... Understanding of my own life... 

Buddhism has raised more questions than it has answered... My desire to follow such beliefs from a philosophical point of view still strong... If the only way for the next true Buddha is for one to reach enlightenment in amongst pure ignorance of the belief then why go on teaching the way of Buddhism? Certainly if the world took in the philosophy of Buddhism as I do the world would be a better place but that will never happen, not in my life time, not in the lifetimes of generations beyond me, perhaps. So, what hopes does such a group of believers hold onto that the teachings of Buddhism should be maintained at all? Certainly it might fit well with many this lifestyle of peace and love of all beings, but few achieve being able to leave behind the prison of the 5 senses, and none that are known achieve that of arhatship or buddhahood. So why? Why all this time in seeing society crumble in this modern age do they seek to preserve it? Such teachings will never overcome the aggressive christian or muslim...

The NWO, the Illuminati, the Freemasons... Who is the enemy... I don't mean, who out of these three groups... I mean who is really the enemy... Hard to understand where I am coming from with such a question... It should be obvious... A population of no greater than 500,000... If only 500,000, why? Was the human race meant to be so doomed? Is it proper? Is there going to be control? 500,000... 490,000 slaves and 10,000 tyrants? It's so hard to put the thoughts related to this topic to words... Is it that with 500,000... No... I don't think I could assert anything without truly knowing... One of the whys that will be outside of my current grasp...

so bold though... so much symbolism or blatant messages in film, advertisement... ill just go ahead and place it under one umbrella... media. its like the film From Hell... here we have the freemasons painted blatantly as the antagonists... why? is it to implant the idea that the freemasons are indeed the evil secret community many think that it is, or is it to install that believing such things is illegitimate? regardless hollywood and the media are transfixed on this evil. i cant turn on the tv and not see their schemes at work, even magazines and favorite websites seem to spread this cancer. or is it a message to make it appear that the nwo is in such control when in reality it is not. a mind game in order to dominate the unsuspecting minds of those who witness it consciously... to manipulate the consciousness in order to bring in this unhappy reality... but which is it... 

the whole process to think about such things is tiring... but why... why am i so exhausted from all this... can't i be happy? stress and suffer free? i think i gain understanding but i don't... more confusion...

why for so long have i longed for japan... i am less likely to be accepted by the people there than here in my own country... a journey to find myself? so strange now... but maybe it could become a journey to leave the 'self'... makes sense... never belonged to any niche or group growing up... dont necessarily desire to be a hermit... why should i know... why should i ask... why? why exist at age 50+ living on the streets? why endure suffering for generations? there must be something in the water... lol

DLB 0: Half-Life


One of the strangest dreams I've come to experience. I'm alone watching an intense electrical storm from a small town in the desert of one of the four-corner states. As I watch the storm in awe, alien greys and then Karl Rove appear before my eyes after de-cloaking. I am moved to a secret military base of a beautiful red mesa mountainside. Karl brings me inside and I am given full VIP guest status. We move around the facilities and I'm soon witness to cloning, hybridization and, soon enough, a clone revolt.

Events play out like a Half-Life scenario. Massive action with gun battles and clones and Half-Life aliens. No idea whose side I'm on but my own at this point as I make an escape. Through my own hybridization (if it can be called that) I'm imbued with semi-super powers and run in a frantic pace fighting these strange alien creatures on the outside of this hidden base, from the cliffs to the top of the mesa. Eventually I find my way back back inside the hidden base. 
There is absolute chaos inside which appears to be utterly destroying the entire interior. This destruction is apparently being lead by clones and these Half-Life esque alien creatures! This is the last I remember...