Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DLB 13 Inception: The Mars Journey

In this blog I am publishing a journal entry that I made some months ago on a very particularly powerful dream I had. I keep feeling compelled to try and expand and complete this dream I had previously failed to capture in detail using ink. Memory has served me well enough though to preserve so much of it and so again I will attempt to share it without looking back...

The dream took shape and I believe I was in a small town similar to Carlton, Oregon, a place I spent several years growing up during my adolescence.

I was traversing rooftops in a mischievous attempt to cause an altercation between some hoodlums that had earlier bared me ill-will. Suddenly, there was cause to leave, perhaps I was successful or perhaps they noticed me. Whatever the case I descended from the rooftop and made my way to the intersection nearby. A white pick-up truck with a man picked me up and began heading to the countryside. For what reason I got into the truck or how is lost to the ether.

The journey had just began and, much to my captivated interest, I took quick notice of a bright "shooting star" moving in the daylight sky which had I had become accustomed to from some of my prior dreams. Gazing upon this star like object placed me in, what has at this point become a usual state of mentally jarring awe. It's the only way I can describe this sensation which has occurred in dreams previous which signified a "visitor" had entered my dream to convey possibly some message with me.

Still traveling in the truck I watched with contentment as this "shooting star" proceeded forward and a large armada of seemingly military space vessels that began to materialize into existence. Simultaneously an equally intimidating and opposing armada of military space vessels of definitively different origins had all appeared within short distance from the star.
A Ship Similar to the Show Firefly
Conflict appeared inevitable and just as it appeared all hell would break loose, a small vessel broke away from one of the armadas and swooped directly next to the truck. It slowed down and kept pace with the truck. The vessel was so close to me I was able to make out who the pilot was... "It's me? My future self perhaps?" It maneuvered and I was somehow taken aboard from the truck with ease and quickly whisked into another reality.

The impending ominous battle of the two giant armadas was finally erupting at our back as I was being flown away into space. The journey was short as memory goes and we soon we were coursing above and through an immense city of technological superiority that appeared far superior to human capability on earth. It featured several curved and cylindrical engineering marvels of typical science fiction fashion. Tube structures for transportation connected to several structures and flying personal ships seemed to be moving all about. I was gripped with some feeling of despair however amongst all this wonder. The landscape seemed completely desolate, smog or the appearance of pollution, and the waters, not littered with garbage, but an unhealthy murkiness and brown discoloration. It was a red, dirty, dusty planet that seemed to be dying and I could feel it. I would certainly say that this landscape is exactly how many might imagine the decaying Martian landscape and civilization may have appeared before whatever great cataclysm finally brought it to an end.

Once we landed on a platform on some such building as illustrated above I had no chance to speak with my future self. Disappointing, but I expressed no concern over the matter. I was under the impression that he had left with the ship once I was escorted off. Once inside the structure, to describe it, just about everything in the interior had the color and sheen of a peach, white gold or bronze. Walking across the tiled floor felt like a material that was soft and pleasant without causing discomfort or strain, it even had some bounce to it that supported one's feet when pushing off. Oddly there was also a sort of organic feel to it. Everything appeared manufactured yet it felt as though great care was put into every little detail about the place. Even some placed plants and small flowery gardens were passed along the way as passed through some halls. There was no feeling of foreboding only warmth and a sense of welcoming.

I can't remember my company, if I was being guided or following someone or if I simply knew in my conscious where to go and what to do. Though my memory hints that there was an human female presence that preceded and guided me. I believe we must have spoken to each other at some point, but of what is completely unknown.

I had entered into a room with a large computer terminal with several projected displays. Possibly I was given some instruction on using it but for whatever reason it was not intimidating and quite easy to use.

Best representation I could find.

From what I can recall, once I accessed the terminal I was presented with information regarding what may have been everything about my life presently. I could interact with the scenes or memories of my life. There was much other information I was also presented during the session with the terminal but unfortunately, I can't recall. Not sure as to what the point or purpose was but, I do remember at times being told not to do certain things or something restricting my interaction with other computer display devices or access to other information. It seemed to also be of some sort of life analysis but, for me or my host's benefit I was not sure.

The program interaction with the terminal eventually was fulfilled and when it ended I proceeded through a doorway adjoining the room that lead me into another corridor. As before when I first arrived, for whatever reason, I experienced absolutely no bewilderment as to what I was doing in this place. I simply felt right at home, as if I belonged, with no worry or concern. If anything, I was pleased to be there.

The corridor lead me into a small but welcoming room. To my left there was an opening archway to a great audience chamber which seemed to exude a place of great importance. In front of me the room was divided in half by a small balcony on a short raise with two doorways behind it. Alongside the balcony near the entrance to the great hall was a strange terminal most difficult to describe due to memory and it's complexity.

Steampunks certainly conjure up amazing gadgetry.
The terminal was about four feet high. It was suspended by a thin rod that connected to a small oval base. Atop the rod was perhaps some sort of egg shaped case that, I later found out, opened up. Once opened one can place their face inside and rest your head against an interface, and can also place perhaps a single digit into a clasp. I'm really uncertain about the description but it does interact with and immerse all your senses. The most striking feature about this terminal was an encased and attached elongated skull.

A beautiful Aryan woman adorned with fine and ornate clothing seemingly appeared behind the balcony. She wore a dress and headdress the same color as the interior. I know that is not much to go off of but I can only describe what remains from my memory. An elegant cream colored robe adorned with fine jewels and spectacular gold solar themed headdress.

We spoke, about what I don't know however, I believe she gave me some instruction as to how to use the mystifying terminal. I followed these instructions and took to the suspended egg shaped machine. Once approached the terminal adjusted it's height accordingly and I immersed my face inside the interface.

Once I was immersed into the machine a grand free flow of information began pouring into my mind and I was swept into the memories of countless past lives, all observed in the third person. The experience was an eternity and yet each one came in a flash. Little can be remembered from each but one instance felt like something from out of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: Space Odyssey. I was back to the time and dominion of some sort of ape-like creatures. No monolith present that I can remember but, given my memory of the dream, it's entirely possible. The visions seemed to move forward or backward without destination, but finally I came to the last vision and what I remember is what interests me the most.

From what I can recall, I appeared to be some Aryan male with red facial hair, a beard and mustache perhaps. Not shocking, but what was, was that I had a very pronounced elongated head with no hair. A living example of whatever species had been found in South America.
I had apparently been through some severe physical trauma. My body appeared severely damaged and broken and I was very weak. However, I was in the arms of my savior. A beautiful blond Aryan woman must have come from a nearby village. The circumstance, cause or reason for my state of physical being and how I ended up there was unknown, but it appears that she may have dragged me from the nearby river flowing behind me.

Brien Foerster and a Paracas Skull
I can't remember if I was wearing any clothes but hers I recognized as being quite different. Organic, hand-made, folkish in some sense with simple patterns and design. This was a very long time ago, at least a few thousand years it feels. The surroundings were quite beautiful, lush and green. Even where she held me, my body laid upon fine soft grass and we were surround by mountainous terrain. I believe I saw her home not to far in the distance, perhaps a little cottage. She was most definitely my rescuer and I fell immediately in love as I gazed at her. 
From the third person observing myself, attention was immediately drawn a single gaping wound in my forehead right between my eyes and above my brow where the third eye would be. Even though I was conscious as this being... it did not appear to be good scene or that I would survive long.

Surprisingly, there was no blood. What appeared instead to be coming out of the wound, or hole when she looked, was a blackness. As she held me in her arms and gazed, there were small bits of light like stars that seemed to float out. Bringing it into focus, the organization was realized, and a universe could be seen in the very spot where the injury had occurred.

Once it was seen it was over, the vision ended and I was back in the room with the beautiful woman in the ornate robe. She said something, praise of some sort and something along the lines that told me, "It was my time to lead."

I could hear commotion the great audience chamber, it was now full of chatter. I was now dressed in a similar elaborate fashion as the woman. A garb, material perhaps similar to that of silk or satin.

Then a queer feeling came over me. A feeling of dread and that something amiss. Questions began to swell in my mind and I became suspicious as to the true intentions of my my host(s) and reasons for having me here. I thought about the pollution, the war raging in space and the devastation to the environment. Who were these people? Why were they not so wise and intelligent to have prevented the catastrophic circumstances they seemed to find themselves in.

I felt frustrated and became irate. I thought I was seeing through it all as some sort of facade. I felt I was being duped into having some sort of veil pulled over my eyes. Why would I be placed in this position of leadership and power and given exactly what I wanted in this life? Complexities of the matter grew larger and I cannot remember but I had a distinct feeling of betrayal. I became entirely certain that the whole thing was some sort of charade. Something to satisfy my questioning nature of things happening that were wrong in the world, that I was in a false reality, a dream.

Then the dream ended as I became too aware... It could have become a lucid experience but the energy provoked me to wake myself. I'm certain there was much forgotten which would have made telling this story clearer, but I'm happy I finally got this recorded. However, the question really burns and sticks with me today, what would have happened if I went along with what was presented before me? What more could I have learned? Was this contact from beyond? Was it Mars? So vivid, so profound.

Perhaps tonight I will get around to journalizing another similar story.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Last Rant

For convenience we've traded ethics, morality and logic. For Security we've traded liberty and freedom and adopted a shamefully low standard on human rights. For common unity, we've given it away to fear, pride and lust for material possessions. For responsibility to govern our own lives we've given it away to corporations, religious institutions and governments, becoming most passive for ever even coming across the sickly man in the streets or the cries of a small child to whom we do not know. All this which plague us now can be reversed the moment you can accept in your mind that we are capable of something better. To raise the bar and vibration of life, not only for the sake of society but also, for yourself. To paraphrase JFK,  "Ask not what your world can do for you, ask what you can do for your world." our world, because she is here for all of us.

I mean come on America. Is that what patriotism has become? An American flag, pizza and a pick-up truck? Is that our culture? Have you bought into such corporate consumption? No? Then why do you allow it on your television? Why do you basque in all its putrid glory? Why do you behave this way to believe that young men and women should die, destroy cultures, lead a planet to it's death and not think radical change isn't needed and needed right bloody now!? Or do you still just want your pizza served on an American flag paper plate with an American flag paper napkin. Hold such a thing as our nation's flag with such high honour then use it to serve highly processed filth later proceeding to wipe garbage with it from your plumped fatty cheeks. How do you actually define sacred? I honestly don't care for such a trivial matter, but look at your own hypocrisy!

Ignore the well executed reality unfolding in the world. That we (willfully ignorant or not) are the number one reason for the destruction of the planet because we choose to, not only ignore, but GLAMORIZE the very raping of our own Mother. Don't believe me? Just check that black box in front of you and be stimulated by all that media programming has to offer.

It's disgusting, no!? Disgusting what we've become and yet... And yet you sit there and perhaps think, "Well someone out there is going to make it better, doesn't have to be me!" Am I right? It's certainly what the television tells you, that some hero, some group is working to save the world; and while this may be true you are lulled into a state of lethargy and inaction. For while at the same time that the television programming would tell you this, it will scare the shit out of you with as much pornographic depictions of violence as your mind couldn't possibly handle. Not of your war of course! (Need to keep the right conflicts looking fairly clean.) Violence done by your neighbors! Drive you into suspicion and a sense of distrust of everyone you come across and the destruction of common unity community. Drive you from ever going out alone and experiencing real nature and from believing in the brotherhood of mankind. For you might get shot, stabbed or have your face eaten off by some crazed individual "high" on bath salts. I mean do you understand the ridiculousness of what you're being told? Yet here we are running out to stores and buying everything we can in a violent panic. Feeding that monster which is, which real is, you. The willfully ignorant.

Go on buying from Wal-Mart because you "have to" or because they're pretty much the only store you can afford even though both you and your spouse are working! Perhaps even one of you working two, or even more, jobs. You've simply come to accept and expect this as normal. It's what you have even gone as far to call "equal rights".

Women didn't have to work. Not just because some floundering sexist reasoning thrown at you, but because only the husband had to work to provide for the family. When the times were good, he didn't even have to try to work very hard. However, you're constantly fed this image of hardship; of the farmer during the Great Depression, of a soldier during WWII or even WWI, that life was tough and there were only a select few that lived the "good" life, but even before the fabricated Great Depression, we were an innovative and strong society. One of great, not only technological revolutions but also cultural revolutions!

The general public doesn't hear about, or receive education about, great Americans like Nikola Tesla and what really happened to his equipment and inventions or Henry Ford's great hemp invention. No, instead they take their answers from the "History" Channel and swallow every word of it. Even for shallow skeptics of world events, they take much of it as gospel for the small reward of some scattered scraps of truth from the table of bullshit.

Straight out of an Orwellian nightmare. I could go off into a whole tangent about how much the general populous is so brainwashed. Believing whatever something like the "History" Channel tells them. It is called "PROGRAMMING" isn't it? A "History" Channel that offers such gems like, "What would it be like if a Samurai fought a Spartan?" It's easily predictable, for instance that the majority of the American society of our time would side with that of the Spartan because of our over sexuality society and feeling of a lingering white superiority (no matter what your originating race). Don't think so? Check your television.

All ethnics groups of America have in fact experienced a large amount of conditioning a.k.a. brainwashing. So sick to hear from members of these communities, that they do not associate themselves with their own heritage. I know any European reading this wouldn't believe it because it sounds so startling and ridiculous until you come here and experience and bare witness to this truth yourself by talking and listening to the common people. " I'm an American. I was born/immigrated to this country and that's all I am." or "I served this country and it's what defines me." This is what a Native American "Indian" might tell you. (I had to throw the quoted Indian part in there too because some people just won't understand the concept of a "Native American"). This is what a Mexican-American will tell you. This is what an African-American will tell you.

"Yeah I'm Cherokee, but I'm American. Why should I care about my history?" Why should he? It's certainly not in our history texts. Just tribes ravaged by the white man and how we destroyed them. That's all that's pretty much in the American History books. Oh, you liked that piece about how they built their huts or t.p.s? Yep, that was a major moment in Blackfoot history! (Sarcasm) Oh, I should become an anthropologist? Right, that's the only way I'll personally find out. While the rest of you remain in the dark and just take whatever the television feeds you. Filtering out whatever doesn't sit right with the history texts or scientific community.

It's not like the true Native American history was so hard to find or as hidden as you might think. Though you'll never find it after all of the great wise people of those cultures we slaughtered and how it was decided among many of them that the true and entire history of such a people should be hidden from invaders like the white man.

Like Christians are so afraid that they will have to go into great lengths to preserve their form of worship with the great spiritual change taking place on the planet, yet completely ignore that, what is happening to them in a peaceable manor is exactly the opposite of what the methods they choose to oppress spiritual philosophies which were not in agreeance with their own. In fact due to this huge hurdled fear from the media of the loss of such a Christian state more Americans are, in fact, increasingly finding devotion to this whimsical farce. However, Americans have become more open about all stances on life. Most are very humble even still. Growing amongst the crowd, thankfully, is a new spiritual movement that continues to grab hold of the world community at large.

Anyway, to wrap this up, members of different countries reading this, do not feel superior. Your cultures are vastly fleeting.

Confusing "modernization" and the concept of "Westernization". Producing photo cope people branded with whatever corporation has monopoly over the resources of that area of the world. Third world countries still getting the worst of the subliminal mind fuck when, "My country is being raped and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." (Maybe with an attached Nike swoosh (Saturn) or Adidas logo).

We need to change, America and the world. Maybe like that delusional fat friend of yours. Looking into the mirror and believing in being comfortable that it's your fault you look this way, because it's truly not. Just barely 100 years ago, seeing someone of that weight amount was a shock and rarity at any age. There is time and time again evidence of what we place in our foods is harming us in more ways that we choose to accept, but this is a whole other topic.

Take change and take charge. Service to others more than thy self (not that superficial bullshit you get to be coached for at your job or career). Ahh so much to tell to try to reach a better and new reality. if only you could believe one were possible and stop accepting, "that's just the way it is."


Monday, December 10, 2012


I have them saved like memories
Exciting adventures never cease to please
Atop the dreaming hill sow seeds
Wandering amongst the night through long reeds
A mother weaves with new beads
Ever cautious, it's a story she breathes
Like the timeless note an owl sings
Never heard before until he breathes

Edgar Allan Poem

I enter the lake weak and weary
Feeling refreshed, the tables turn, yet I feel dreary
Waltzing my feet along the bottom, something's caught
Submerge my head, sight upon seen I'm destined to rot
Blackened water twinkles like diamonds bathed in the moon's light
At sun's dawn things feel quite alright
My body floating I take flight
Above the world now to much delight

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Young Buck

Upon the hill of dreams I sing
Waiting one day to hear your ring
A bloody tonic is spiced by sorrow
Drinking 'way worries life not narrow
Let us act fools and break our marrow
'Til tomorrow fathom not
our taro
For there be no bad luck
In the kingdom of the young buck


First it started in a Colorado middle school
The town of Parachute I was never cool
For 18 was not a number I celebrated
Because it only marked another year I felt hated
Gripped by sadness
Somehow never turned to madness
Until the time my past was unveiled
This beautiful child always believed he failed
Seeing all things faded
Nevermore, but still jaded

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Welcome Evil (The Catalyst)

I welcome evil. In fact we just don't have enough evil in the faces of the masses. Why would I say such a thing? Well being that we live on "the grand chess board" it's important to realize we are the pawns and until we awaken to that "Hidden Hand" that is moving us across the board, we have no chance of fighting back. So frankly, when you're in one of those countries in which you sit behind your white picket-fence it's difficult to see all the evil that besieges our beautiful world.

With great evil pushed into the faces of the masses, great good can be accomplished as those who would rather slumber are forced to awaken. Let me share with you a prime example:
Kennedy vs. Nixon (Catalyst Choice) and the Vietnam War

It's a lot to explain where about Kennedy decided to include in his speech, that he was opposed to Secret Societies and Secret Oaths. It was something he was a part of and one can only speculate when or what the turning point was in which he decided to draw a moral line in the sand. For that, he paid the ultimate price. I won't go into the evil deeds Kennedy was apart of before he turned his graces for a greater good but I will tell you that when he turned, he wasn't the only one who paid the ultimate price. More than just the Kennedy's in that background... No need for details on this subject as it's not part of the the main subject I wish to share about.

After the death of JFK, the start of the Vietnam War and election of Nixon this great evil spurred action of an even greater good. Television was still in its infancy and journalism was hardly in the strict control as we see it today. The masses were exposed the the vicious carnage of war and death's of innocents on a daily basis. A great awakening took place, unexpected to the powers that be with the exception of the Catalyst.

Because of this, we did not "lose" the war. Instead we won a victory in humanitarianism. It's hard to see but, what was prevented was the even further loss of life which would have been several times greater had the USA and it's allies decided not to pull out in the abrupt manner that it did.

This American awakening could have been sustained had the masses learned a very simple concept before or after the loss of Martin Luther King Junior, John Lennon and Robert F. Kennedy. This concept or lesson is best expressed by this Zen saying: "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."

To translate, the concept that was not learned was that the power to be change, to be conscious, to be awakened, to be Christ-like is in you and one should not look to other's as the soul driving force to be awakened. Had the masses at that time learned this lesson and became empowered by it, we would be in a very different reality than the one we are at today. This is why the "hippy" movement ultimately met it's end, not without positive results even to be seen or realized decades later.

Was it the Catalyst's intention to teach this lesson, perhaps to be discovered decades down the road? It is impossible at this moment for me to know. You're probably now asking yourself, "WTF is 'the Catalyst'?" Well that is not for me to answer though I may be capable to offer explanation. To determine this "Catalyst" relies on the path you set before yourself...

Humans have become docile with the overcoming of the prehistoric predators of nature. So a predator more elusive has taken it's place. Capable of killing millions and psychic manipulation it's a terror that dominates the planet without hardly being seen. Military and banks the jaws and teeth, politicians and religions make up the medulla oblongata and the "powers that be" the brain that make up the core of this beast.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kept as a Reminder of My Ignorant Youth

Can't even use the words "Nazi" or "Fascist" anymore. Nope that just labels you as some sort of rebellious youth. So guess what! Guess what! Here is the new word!
SCUM. Pure, vile, malevolent SCUM of the planet. Enemies of humanity.

Willful ignorance is no longer an excuse and your decisions are being rectified.


People don't understand empathy. They don't seem to understand narcissism either but look at our society, who can blame them? They don't cry themselves to sleep at night because their brothers or sisters are being shot, tortured, forced to work in a cell. Just go to their houses of worship, work or institutions and don't think about a single thing outside their small reality. Robbed of their connection.

And some heavily conditioned brother or sister might say:
"Hey Jack, why don't you do some of that action you're always talking about huh? Why don't you go uhh to uhh China or Africa and free those slaves and suffering people. You're always talking about how much you hat it here, why don't you go and uhh life in Mexico or something."

Stop talking. Listen! SHUT UP about all the stupid BS going on in your life. STOP all the freaking BS gossip! STFU about what is on television! STOP talking about the useless election! Unless you're pointing out it's corruption!

I'm trying to empower the individual so TOGETHER we can be empowered! I can't go fix what is happening in those countries on my own! There are people already doing that. Look at how much they have accomplished! They helped that community, great, THAT IS NOTHING! Communication is everything right now. So people no longer have to work alone to try and make a change! WE can work together, we can make a change once YOU care. That is what empowerment is! It's talking to whoever is in ear shot and getting them to care about what is happening beyond their personal life!

Television is poison for your mind. To fill it with BS, so much so, you just got to share it with everybody else!

Think it's soft? Think it's soft caring for your planetary brothers and sisters? Think it's nothing to cry over? Let me brutalize you and your family! Find out how soft it is. Learn empathy so we can put a stop to this heinousness!   

Saturday, October 13, 2012

DLB 12 on October 12th, 2012 Published at 12:30

I've been having a LOT of interesting dreams, just so you know it's not that I haven't had the material, I've just been unproductive in writing about them.

This is the best I could summarize from what I can remember of the dream.
The dream itself was entirely a visual message. No words, just images, which is something that is incredibly rare for me.

First, the Pleiades:
I was told through imaging that, perhaps, somewhere around Maia or Alcyone, there is a planet with two moons. It's hard to recall exactly where and their meaning but it was distinct and therefore it may be noticed as someplace of importance and that is the best I can do to interpret.

Second, there something to do with Sacre-Coeur in Paris, France:

This part of the structure in Particular:
As I was told through the imagery there may be some sort of star map or connection of sort within the blueprints or design of the structure.

These photos are from my visit to Paris in 2012. This dream may possibly be the result of a Third Eye Mirror Meditation I did before sleeping.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Real Traveling Pants

How is it you were left behind?

I honestly don’t remember. I had been there for some time and shuffled around much until you pulled me out of that bag and set me aside.

Where was this?

From my understanding it was Estonia.

Do you have feelings or emotions? Just curious after the way you said your last answer.

No. I’m a pair of pants. I’m simply an observer.

How do you observe? You obviously don’t have eyes; I’m shocked we’re even able to communicate.

Your allowed perception of me has made it possible for us to communicate. I observe through the energies and vibrations and the produced collective consciousness. When you break it all down you and I are one in the same. Previous meddlers in this area would have called our discourse ‘magic’ or ‘witchcraft’. I suppose you might understand that I am simply a projection that you have decided to manifest as this particular pair of jeans when I could just as easily be that coffee table over there.

What an in-depth answer.


Ok let’s move on then.

Did you enjoy your time traveling with me?

I don’t have these sort of feelings.

Ok. How about… Was the experience, of your time spent with me… Oh I see we’re just going to have to keep this portion about myself.

Well it already is about you. I am your projection.

Right. Was your addition to my life beneficial to me?



Simple, you had something to wear on your legs offering mild protection and warmth. I even encouraged you to do things that had you been wearing other articles you may have been less obliged to attempt.

I suppose that explains a couple of nice holes you have in you and how lovingly warn you've become.

Lovingly? Well I understand the expression so I’m not going to explain. Yes, these holes were as you would call, “a team effort”.

What was the event in which caused those particular holes?

We acquired these holes while crossing over a wrought-iron security gate that was barring you from entering an underground portion of an Italian castle. You didn't express enough care in placing your leg over the pointed spades.

Let’s go over a few more features. What about that bit of faded paint there?

We managed to accumulate several of these spots while painting the interior of a new hostel for the partner of your previous boss in Estonia.

And that wear, where the fibers are splitting?

Wear is accumulated with time. I assume you are referring to the times, in which, most stress was applied to those areas. Mostly due to your labors in Estonia and Germany and from the many miles we walked across Europe. My condition would surprise most considering the details of what we went through.

Why are the legging ends so chewed? Why did I have to cut them?

You did not have to but for the sake of ease you cut the hanging portion of. As for why they are so “chewed” is because of exposure to the elements. Mostly damage occurring during winter.

How about that final opening on the knee?

This occurred when we took a tumble from your cousin’s all-terrain motorcycle. We collided with the soil and possibly a rock or root which damaged us both.

You will be joining me on my next adventure. Do you expect your material form will last and function until the end?

It’s highly plausible that I would though nothing is for certain.

Thank you for this dialogue Jeans.

Your gratitude, in manor of a metaphysical way, is appreciated.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Looking at a Face

Nobody knows what they're looking at when they're looking at a face. They have to wait for a movie or a book to tell them. So is the loss of our "sixth sense" they call it, so is the loss of being empathic.

Serious about life?

Jack, when are you going to get serious about life?
Life? What life are you... Oh you mean conformity!
You mean the life that I should spend my youth in an institution to get a piece of paper in order to earn more smaller pieces of paper. Where the only possible life experience as youth I get should be spend obsessing over sports and going out drinking with my friends on the weekends because that is the proper way of living! Let me tell ya!
Or you mean the life where I should concentrate on having a nice place with lots of things! And when I get more paper I can get an even bigger place with a lot more things so I can enjoy having friends come over and admire all the nice things I have. I shouldn't try to use my brain for anything other than making paper so I can acquire more things!
Doesn't matter what's happening with the planet so long as I can have my things and the puppet in the box can tell me everything is, "Ok." just that there are going to be some bumps in the road and some brown people have to die and that I'm being kept safe from the boogeyman!
I shouldn't think about spiritual things because either I got my insurance with the church that I pay for or I don't believe in anything at all! Why ask questions about anything at all because I already have people telling me all I need to know and they have way more experience then I do in my life! I mean hell, they were trained to tell me how to run my life and what to believe so WTF should I believe anything else?
Why experience the world when I have the world in a BOX! The puppets inside the box even tell me who and where the bad and good people are so I never have to worry about it myself!
Yes this life is a paradise because everything is just taken care of for you! Kind of like some other species of animals I know... What's that thing that happens to them when they get fat enough? Oh never-mind they don't have lives anyway. They're already dead! Damn, man is so superior! Ha! We definitely don't belong to the animal kingdom!
Get busy living, or you're already dead.      

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Sermon

There are many in this world that absolutely wish to do us harm... However! That is not our neighbor or our neighbors neighbor or out neighbors neighbors neighbor, etc. The ones who wish to absolutely harm us and bring doom to our very species are the ones who breath hate upon another another man. Who tell you! To hate another man because he is different! These are the people who divide this world! Because trying to understand one another, trying to see one another, trying to LOVE one another has been forbidden by thine DESECRATED RELIGIONS and CORRUPTED GOVERNMENTS!

I swear the more "news" I must bare witness to... The more I'm pushed to the brink with this reality. Such foolish programming being shoved down the throats of innocent people being lead on to hate!

The tides of change are strong and they are swift! For every great evil pushes for an even greater good and for man to be freed of the trap! Because with ears, we must not listen to hate, because with our eyes, we must not see hate, because with our mouths we must not speak hate! And this is why you see the three trained monkeys posed to cover their ears and obscure their eyes and block their mouths! Because TRAINED MONKEYS believe someone else's interpretation of evil!

When morality is universal by the Law of One which is love. This small joke on humanity is a play on words! These monkeys have replaced what is really meant to be which is that of the MONK with the KEYS to end all suffering not only for his life but for the lives of all of those who wish to follow!If you think my words to general then you must ease the use of your left hemisphere of the brain and stop knit picking. Allow your right hemisphere to take the message for what it is.

Ok to elaborate on the monkeys. You notice there is no monkey of "do no evil." That is because there is no need for the expression of "do no hate." For if there is no created motive than there is no action! Thus then harmony and nirvana can be found. You believe it is impossible because we have been brought here. Because we have fallen so far from the pinnacle of truth that is the remembrance of ourselves and what we were, not only as one but as many! One need not look long ago at the remaining tribes just before their encounters with those more rapidly changed by taint. The Spanish logs of conquistadors at the times soon following the landing of the Mayflower and what they bore witness to upon first encountering the Native Americans is where one can begin to look to see remaining evidence of such per-existing wisdom.

And this I say, in the purity of all that is good and light in the world, inter-dimensional and intergalactic space, Amen!

Monday, April 16, 2012


A short entry.
It's hard to remember what occurred in the dream before the point of lucidity. I remember only that I was standing, no knowledge of my surroundings. I was looking at my hands and then asked for my guide or higher self. A pause of silence and either I re-entered a complete dream state or I simply woke up soon after.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


An interesting dream... Where it started I can't remember but where it ended made it quite unforgettable.

From what I can remember, before entering into lucidity, I was set up in a very Western middle/upper class bedroom. I was not alone. In the bedroom with me, pacing anxiously, was the vivacious Val Fil.

Like in the dreams of many she called me to her and full of lust we ravaged each other (apparently I was already naked). However, she abruptly stopped me from kissing her to mention something along the lines of concern for being late for an important event.

The dream changed quickly and physically as I observed my surroundings molding into a backstage guest room area. She was already leading me out of the bed and towards the doorway and I somehow managed to put clothes on. In a matter of seconds we entered through the door to a HUGE concert venue and, unexpectedly for me, heading towards the stage from behind a mass of security and staff holding back a wall of people. From the edge of the stage back as far as the eye could see was a mass of people.

I was out in front and Valeria had some how disappeared. It very quickly became obvious, as I noticed the band waiting on stage, that I was to take the role of lead vocalist. Still on the way to the stage a single fan, with long black hair and dressed all in black, managed to squeeze past security and even had the fortune to be able to wait for me before I got on stage.

He was very happy to see me and I gave the fan a hug. He said something of importance for the dream but unfortunately I can't remember what. Security managed to gain optimal control of the crowd and took the lucky fan away. As they did one of the security staff mentioned to me, "That was a bad idea." I guess I still hadn't realized my roll as a truly amazing and apparently quite famous artist.

I took to the stage and warmed up the audience all of whom were reving to throw down. Even I was amped with anticipation and I looked to the band, focus and determination in their eyes. Cued the DJ and we were about to rip this show apart, but then the music started. It was soft and dreary. The band and myself stood in shock for a moment before glaring at the DJ to set things straight as he fumbled with the controls. At this moment though, the dream went completely lucid. It was as if the interruption was intentional.

As I came into consciousness I recalled the last lucid dream that I had and that perhaps I lost control because I was not using my triggering mechanism enough (my hands). For a time I seemed to be checking my hands every couple of seconds. I was super excited and determined to have a long and effective lucid dream.

I lept off the stage and into the crowd, which was now completely silent and simply staring. Not an uncomfortable stare but simply a look of interest and curiosity. I attempted to will myself into flight but failed. After the moment of failure I was stuck by the thought that someone else was in the dream with me! Perhaps I could communicate with them (yes still confused as to the power of a lucid dream). At this point I had walked pretty far into the crowd. I called out to Val and searched the crowd for her quite quickly and effortlessly. It dawned on me that she had disappeared after entering through the doorway heading towards the stage.

It was as if everything in the dream was still, like a captured moment that I was able to explore. So I thought that if she had left my side when I entered near the stage then that is where she must be located. I made my way rapidly towards the stage and spotted her almost immediately. I was however forgetting to check my trigger mechanism and, without my knowing, I was losing control over the dreamscape.

I embraced her and began making out passionately and soon lucidity was completely lost and the dream took control and memory fades.

"Circumstances" from the nightlife before I fell asleep probably played a large roll in the sexual nature of the dream.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lucid Dreaming 1st Lucid

Lucid dreaming is a term used to describe the state of consciousness when a person becomes "awake" during a dream. Lucid dreaming can be used as a means of spiritual growth or for pure fun because in this state one is in almost complete control of their environment. For more information on lucid dreaming please feel free to check out: Spirit Science or in5d

My journal looks exactly the same!
This will be my first entry on my own personal experiences which can be quite personal. I hope you enjoy reading these for the sake of entertainment and not as a guide to learning how to lucid dream, sorry. I hope, however that if the reader has experienced lucid dreaming them self they can relate to my stories.

These are republished from my personal dream journal and I highly recommend that if you wish to start lucid dreaming that keeping a dream journal is a good step in the right direction. Enjoy!
Finally after four attempts I managed a lucid (I had been practicing different of inducing lucid dreams for the past four nights). This occurred while I was sleeping in reception (I was working at a hostel which has a bed in the reception office for 24 hour service). When I became lucid I maintained control of the dream for about less than what I perceived as 30 seconds. Triggering the lucid state might have been helped by listening to a website called I was in a dream state before finding the trigger mechanism (triggering mechanism refers to an object or body part you designate in your mind, after practicing, to use in order to trigger lucidity), which I designated as my hands. Dream consciousness began when I made attempts at personal flight (you know, like superman).

I was outside in what appeared to be a parking lot behind what was possibly a large materials outlet. As I grew more conscious I made sure to look at my hands. I believe there may have also been trees around me or at least for sure I know that there was at least one that I climbed when I had  initially failed to simply lift myself up off the ground.
Oh shit! Save me Dave!
Trying to fly, for me, was difficult. I couldn't just stand there and will myself, I had to try jumping. Finally after several attempts I was overcome with joy when I was finally off the ground and flying away from the tree, however without much control like an astronaut after an unfortunate mishap in space. I was eager to travel around my dreamscape! However when I turned my attention to the sky my attention was pulled into something very luminescent, to say the least.

No it wasn't you but close enough.
I was awe struck. It was like I had just started on a really great mushroom trip. It was powerful. However I can't quite remember what it was. It was so jarring to see this awesomeness (and actually this effect repeats itself in many of my lucid or near lucid dreams), when it occurred I began to loose lucidity. The only way I can describe it is similar to the presence of something massive like a sun with planetoids orbiting or perhaps simply floating around it. All were yellowish gold in color and all that it brought to my mind then other then the sun was perhaps a "great eye". I was fixated, perhaps hypnotized and could not maintain control. Lucidity was lost and I could not will myself into flight. Memory fades...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DLB 11 GTA 4 Zombies and Aliens Mod

Been a while since I had an entry to this particularly just because I've been lazy and dreams have mostly not been that vivid or interesting. Last night was an exception. Let's begin.

Sorry guys but you were written in the script as Marine #...
So this goes on like a chain dream (one dream connected or morphing into the next) but I can't really remember the first or even the second (I know they were there because I had been woken up in between and new I had them) but the third dream picks up at what would be an ending to what is best described as an Aliens movie. Basically me and some lady are all that is left of the survivors as are crew/platoon/whatever was wiped out while on some creepy sci-fi ship/base.

We thought that the xenomorph or whatever enemy had been wiped out but we both had a bad feeling about the whole thing. As the last man on board with the only woman I knew it was probably only a matter a time before I met the same fate as the rest of the crew as these situations typically go and low and behold the moment came.

We needed to separate. For whatever reason we had come upon lift which could only be designed by writers of suspense... Assholes. I volunteered to go through the small shaft and down the elevator while the woman stayed behind to work the controls and lower me to my fate, because for whatever reason it just had to be done.

I'm sure nothing like that will happen...
We parted ways and with weapon in hand I ventured cautiously into the ever darkening shaft. Only a soft glow of orange light illuminated the industrial world around me until I mad it to the other side. Upon my arrival I signaled to her to begin lowering the small elevator. Then something happened. My consciousness came into play albeit briefly, but long enough for me to realize that not only was the dream becoming less illuminated but I realized that my mind must also be going to a very dark place and that soon this would become a nightmare!

I used the will of my mind then and there to change the direction of the dream immediately. I gave myself the persona of an extreme hero! No monstrous beings or entities were going to hold me back! I'm going to kick ass and take names! The elevator stopped. The area was more lit. I ran in with guns blazing! Some how already recognizing who was with the good, the bad and the ugly. Though I'm not quite sure now whose side I was on it was apparently linked with Umbrella Corporation. Indeed the dream had changed drastically and I was helping a team of somebodies take down another team of somebodies.

 The enemy had been whittled down to just a few and we closed in to question the survivors... but before we could we all realized we were endanger for a super human, known as Krauser, was closing in on us. Before we could react effectively the genetically manipulated man, with almost a dragon wing of an arm, attacked with lightening speed.

He is a fierce asshole.
Desperate gunfire from both sides attempted to bring the monster of a man down, but he was to quick. Knocking around opponents like rag dolls to the left and right and quickly bringing his attention to me and knocked me down some stairs before I could fire. Down this stairwell I quickly regained my composure and he came at me. I narrowly avoided his head crushing attack as I rolled toward the stairs away from the wall and began sprinting up. The others, to whom I did not know were fighting for or with, began planting explosives. And ran for exits while myself and a few others were left to deal with the superhuman madman.

Krauser dashed from the stairwell into the center of the room and I began to open fire. Quick, like moves in the matrix, he avoided my every shot. Soon he was upon me and my fate was sealed, but just then someone else had opened fire and struck Krauser in the leg. Great news until his wing like arm knocked me off my feet and sent me flying into a large 20x40 foot window.

Several stories up surely I was going to go squish on the pavement, but no. Just then the explosion propelled me forward. It propelled me far enough to the point where I cleared the street below me and was poised to land in a large pond next to the city park. Yes the skyscraper was right next to a relatively large body of water (large to have in the middle of a city). Then I noticed, the city was infested with undead... and they were even in the water. The calamity of the action in the tower had not gone unnoticed. Even this body of water was teaming with undead.

Uhh... Hi.
I had to move quickly to get to shallower waters and escape. The pond was man made and surprisingly you could see the bottom of it. As I made it to shallower waters I knew that I was finished. A large crowd had amassed and were eager to tear me apart. Finally I accepted my fate. I knew there was no escape. I accepted the idea of how the first bites would be quite painful and then perhaps I would feel nothing at all. I stood there waiting for the first one to strike. A young woman made the first attack and was quickly gnawing to get through my apparently protective tactical clothing.

Feeling the pressure on my arm I suddenly snapped out of this feeling of acceptance. I wanted to live damn it! I pushed her away violently and dashed through shallow waters. Cutting through the crowd like a football linesman on steroids. Bashing zombies to the left and right out of my path. Just as I was cutting through to the edge of the crowd I had tripped over one of the undead. I quickly stumbled to my feet and then the dream began to change. Thoughts turned to the idea of this scenario being part of a video game I was in and that I had found some sort of secret bonus area where if you killed the right zombie you might get a prize. Low and behold, my thoughts manifested and off to my left, not to for from me was a zombie loaded with rocket launchers strapped to its back. I would still have to some how manage getting through a light crowd but compared to where I just got through, she might as well be right out in the open! I was about to dart in when suddenly some voices from the park called out and began to open fire on horde of undead. Figuring that it would be senseless to risk being shot and eaten alive after all this luck of narrowly escaping death I ran to the voice.
Ya something like that.
I fell unconscious after reaching them. A rag tag gang of well armed men but apparently I was in Africa as all of them were black. I woke up in a hospital. Daylight, and no one was around. Typically hospitals are a bad place to be and particularly creepy when no one's around so I got out as quickly as possible. Only while running down a dirty street did I realize I was barefoot and wearing only a pair tattered pants and shirt. It would have made sense considering what I had just been through. Fortunately for me I ran back into the gang that rescued me. They were happy to see me and had apparently secured this particular area for them to operate in. They had quite a collection of weapons and gave me a set. Basically I was stocked like a player in GTA. That's where the dream ends unfortunately.